I'm encountering my second problem in three days where an errant binding is causing me hours of searching and headaches.
A glance at the stack trace indicates a problem with debugging (e.g., one of the last methods called before the runtime started generating an exception was bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options:). However, I'm finding it impossible to determine WHICH binding is causing the problem:
Nothing in the stack trace or variable inspection indicates which views were involved in the call that crashed.
The last non-machine instruction that's traceable by stepping through code is a call to a monolithic function (awakeFromNib or makeKeyAndOrderFront).
The message in the actual exception is mystifying - e.g., "Cannot create NSArray from object of class NSScrollView," while creating a window that doesn't have any NSScrollViews (just two buttons and two text fields).
So... any tips for debugging these types of problems? For example:
Is there any way to get a list of ALL of the bindings specified in a nib/xib? (The inability to do this drives me CRAZY!)
Is there any way to find out which views or controls were involved in the crash?
Is there any way to get more information about what's happening inside monolithic calls like awakeFromNib?