我目前正在处理一个涉及画布元素的项目,并且在调整画布大小时遇到了问题。我试图通过将宽度和高度除以 2 在画布的中心绘制图像,但是每当我调整画布的大小时,它只会更改 HTML,所以当我去重绘图像时,它仍然绘制一半旧画布的宽度和高度。我不确定这是 DOM 问题还是什么,但如果有任何帮助,我将不胜感激。我在 Safari、FF 和 Chrome 中测试过
<div id="holder">
<div id="dropdown">
<div id="ddcontents" style="display: none;">
<button onclick="fade()">Options</button>
<button onclick="getSize()">Canvas Size</button>
<button onclick="redraw()" disabled="true">Redraw</button>
<canvas id="c" height="480" width="640">Your browser does not support HTML5.</canvas>
<div id="options" style="display: none">
<div id="optcontent" style="display: none">
<div id="sound">
<form oninput="volumenumber.value = parseInt(volume.value)">
<input type="range" name="volume" min="0" max="100" value="80" disabled="true">
<input type="hidden" name="hello" value="%">
<output name="volumenumber" for="volume">80</output>
<select id="resolution">
<option value="480p">480x640</option>
<option value="720p">720x1280</option>
<div id="closeoptions">
<button onclick="apply()">Apply</button>
<script src="options.js"></script>
对于 JS:
var c = document.getElementById('c');
var ctx=c.getContext("2d");
var img=new Image();
var w = this.c.clientWidth; // stores the width for later use
var h = this.c.clientHeight;
this.c.width = w;
this.c.height = h;
var cwidth = c.width;
var cheight = c.height;
img.onload = function(){
ctx.drawImage(img,w/2 - 14,h/2 - 19);
function apply()
var reso = document.getElementById("resolution");
var resol = reso.options[reso.selectedIndex].value;
if (resol == "720p")
//alert("You changed to 720p");
h = 720;
w = 1280;
cheight = 720;
cwidth = 1280;
else if (resol == "480p")
//alert("You changed to 480p");
h = 480;
w = 640;
cheight = 480;
cheight = 640;
function redraw()
ctx.drawImage(img,w/2 - 14,h/2 - 19);
function getSize()
alert(h + "x" + w);