我正在使用 Bioconductor,我想安装 ShortRead 包。我尝试了很多次,但安装依赖包 RCurl 时出错。我在 RStudio 中收到此错误:
Cannot find curl-config
谢谢 ;)
我正在使用 Bioconductor,我想安装 ShortRead 包。我尝试了很多次,但安装依赖包 RCurl 时出错。我在 RStudio 中收到此错误:
Cannot find curl-config
谢谢 ;)
sessionInfo ()
is libcurl (probably you need the dev version) installed? RCurl links to libcurl. RCurl's CRAN page says:
SystemRequirements: libcurl (version 7.14.0 or higher) http://curl.haxx.se. On Linux systems, you will often have to explicitly install libcurl-devel to have the header files and the libcurl library.