我一直在寻找关于如何(甚至是否)应该在 html 文档中显示外部链接的明确指南,以符合任何可访问性/可用性指南。但我真的什么都找不到。





2 回答 2


The distinction between external and internal links is often made by web site owners and managers, but its relevance to users is questionable. WCAG 2.0 expresses many concerns about links: Guideline 2.4 Navigable: Provide ways to help users navigate, find content, and determine where they are. But external vs. internal is not among them.

The key issue is that the meaning and purpose of each link be available to the user. This is far more important than flagging external links, and such flagging tends to create problems rather than solve any. Flagging might be required by the site owner as a policy and caution matter, but this should not be confused with accessibility.

于 2012-08-16T10:30:14.070 回答

当链接获得焦点或用户将鼠标悬停在链接上时,所有 Web 浏览器都会在状态栏中显示链接的 URL。只要您不隐藏链接的目标 URL,状态栏中的 URL 就可以很好地判断该链接是否为外部链接。

在互联网的旧时代(10 或 15 年前),在所有外部链接上都有退出免责声明是常见的做法。随着人们对链接的概念越来越熟悉,现在 Web 上的退出免责声明越来越少。您可以期望您的用户了解不同站点上的 URL 链接会将他们带到不同的站点。

至于可访问性,屏幕阅读器还为用户提供了一种听到链接 URL 的方式:

  • 在 Voiceover 中,按 Ctrl-Option-Shift+U 将读取链接的 URL。
  • 在 ChromeVox 中,命令是 Ctrl-Alt-U。

确保您的链接在悬停时显示正确的 URL。您不需要在这方面做任何特别的事情来使您的链接更易于访问。

于 2012-08-19T16:26:23.257 回答