I need your guidance.The scenario is, client c1 send request to WCF service.Then WCF service start one EXE EXE1 at server side.EXE1 writes some data in PIPE,then WCF Service will read that data and send response to client c1. But if EXE1 again writes some data in Pipe then WCF service read that data and again send it to client C1 and so on....in this case client not sending new request but still getting multiple responses from WCF service.
client may be in c# or in c language,so it should not be dependent on client


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我认为您正在寻找的是DUPLEX服务。MSDN 文章有一个很好的 Calculator Duplex 服务示例

于 2012-08-14T13:14:36.053 回答