I'm attempting to install a TestFlight app on XCode's iOS simulator using the iPhone simulator. The link to the TestFlight app takes me to a page that says "This device will need to be registered before it can install betas."

There is a friendly Register button. When I click the register button, it says "Registering Device" and then it takes me to the iPhone's General settings page. If I navigate back to the TestFlight page, it says "Registration Failed."

Does anyone know of a way to install a TestFlight app on the iPhone Simulator? Thanks.


3 回答 3


The app you are trying to install is an app compiled for arm architecture, which is different from the simulator (the simulator is not an emulator). The simulator only runs x86 apps compiled for it. You will need to contact the developer of the application to send you the x86 binaries, and add them directly to the application directory of the iOS simulator. The directory (on Xcode 4.5 beta 4) is /Applications/Xcode45-DP4.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator5.1.sdk/Applications. Note that the simulator's sdk version has to match the version of iOS you are trying to use the simulator with.

于 2012-08-13T21:29:53.280 回答

如果您需要测试您的发布应用程序 ,您可以在发布版本上运行您的去 -> 产品-> 方案 -> 编辑方案-> 在运行更改调试到发布中,您可以在模拟器中检查您的发布版本

于 2020-09-24T11:15:43.053 回答

如果我不得不猜测,我会假设由于模拟器不是有效的设备,它无法将 TestFlight 配置文件安装到设备上,因此注册过程失败(当您被定向到 iPhone 的设置时,它会尝试在您的设备上安装配置文件)。

请问您为什么要尝试通过 iPhone Simulator 安装该应用程序?如果应用程序的代码存在于 GitHub 上,您可以使用 GitHub for Mac 应用程序签出代码,并使用 XCode 编译项目并将其构建到 iOS 模拟器。应该没有任何理由必须在 iOS 模拟器上安装 TestFlight。

于 2012-08-13T21:26:06.083 回答