您只需在画布上使用公共绘图部分......然后指定要绘制的半径。然后使用“随机”功能,只要用户按下,就在您使用半径定义的圆区域内绘制 (x) 个点。如果您需要更准确的帮助,请告诉我。
[编辑] 这将是非常伪代码。但是您应该可以很容易地使您的代码从中工作。
// This needs to happen in the down press on the canvas
if(currentBrush == Brush.SPRAY_CAN){
int dotsToDrawAtATime = 20;
double brushRadius = 1.0; // This is however large they set the brush size, could be (1), could be whatever the max size of your brush is, e.g., (50), but set it based on what they choose
for (int i = 0; i < dotsToDrawAtATime; i++){
// Pick a random color for single dot to draw
// Get the circumference of the circle (2*pi*brushRadius), based on the X/Y that the user input when they pressed down. Pick a random spot inside that area, and draw a single dot. As this is a for loop, it will happen 20 different times for this one occurrence.
[编辑 2] 如果您要使用它,我会高度考虑采用 Iain_b 的做法。请考虑他的帖子。
[编辑 3] 这是一张图片......也许这会帮助你理解......
[编辑 4]
这是我的代码更新了 lain_b 的添加部分以帮助简化它。
// This needs to happen in the down press on the canvas
if(currentBrush == Brush.SPRAY_CAN){
int dotsToDrawAtATime = 20;
double brushRadius = 1.0; // This is however large they set the brush size, could be (1), could be whatever the max size of your brush is, e.g., (50), but set it based on what they choose
for (int i = 0; i < dotsToDrawAtATime; i++){
// Pick a random color for single dot to draw
// Get the location to draw to
int x = touchedX + Random.nextGaussian()*brushRadius;
int y = touchedY + Random.nextGaussian()*brushRadius;
// Draw the point, using the random color, and the X/Y value
嗯 IMO 从逻辑上讲我会:
int x = touchedX + Random.nextGaussian()*radius;
int y = touchedY + Random.nextGaussian()*radius;
触摸事件的位置在哪里TouchedX / Y
(和 x ,y 是要绘制的像素的坐标)。我只是认为它会提供更自然的分布。( Random
-> java.util.Random