到目前为止,我对 F# 中的类型推断印象深刻,但是我发现了一些它并没有真正得到的东西:
//First up a simple Vect3 type
type Vect3 = { x:float; y:float; z:float } with
static member (/) (v1 : Vect3, s : float) = //divide by scalar, note that float
{x=v1.x / s; y= v1.y /s; z = v1.z /s}
static member (-) (v1 : Vect3, v2 : Vect3) = //subtract two Vect3s
{x=v1.x - v2.x; y= v1.y - v2.y; z=v1.z - v2.z}
//... other operators...
//this works fine
let floatDiff h (f: float -> float) x = //returns float
((f (x + h)) - (f (x - h)))/(h * 2.0)
//as does this
let vectDiff h (f: float -> Vect3) x = //returns Vect3
((f (x + h)) - (f (x - h)))/(h * 2.0)
//I'm writing the same code twice so I try and make a generic function:
let genericDiff h (f: float -> 'a) x : 'a = //'a is constrained to a float
((f (x + h)) - (f (x - h)))/(h * 2.0)
当我尝试构建最后一个函数时,一个蓝色波浪形出现在分隔符号下方,编译器说“此构造导致代码比类型注释指示的更通用。类型变量 'a 已被限制为输入‘浮动’”。我为 Vect3 提供了适合/