我想在单个页面上使用 KnockOut 框架创建多个表。
例如,在我的页面上,我可能需要显示四个用不同的 .knout 绑定的表ViewModel
我想在单个页面上使用 KnockOut 框架创建多个表。
例如,在我的页面上,我可能需要显示四个用不同的 .knout 绑定的表ViewModel
如果您想在页面中放置多个不同的视图模型,我建议您创建一个额外的视图模型,将视图模型保存在可观察对象中。这样,您只需要应用一次绑定,就可以在需要绑定到不同视图模型的页面元素上使用with:绑定,而无需多次绑定到 DOM 中的同一节点的风险。
这是 jsFiddle 的一个简单示例:http: //jsfiddle.net/2DD5J/
您可以通过使用 DIV id 添加多个视图模型来实现此目的:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
ko.applyBindings(new PagedGridModel(initialData), $("#liveExample")[0]);
ko.applyBindings(new PagedGridModel1(initialData), $("#liveExample1")[0]);
var initialData = [
{ name: "Well-Travelled Kitten", sales: 352, price: 75.95 },
{ name: "Speedy Coyote", sales: 89, price: 190.00 },
{ name: "Furious Lizard", sales: 152, price: 25.00 },
{ name: "Indifferent Monkey", sales: 1, price: 99.95 },
{ name: "Brooding Dragon", sales: 0, price: 6350 },
{ name: "Ingenious Tadpole", sales: 39450, price: 0.35 },
{ name: "Optimistic Snail", sales: 420, price: 1.50 }
var PagedGridModel = function (items) {
this.items = ko.observableArray(items);
this.addItem = function () {
this.items.push({ name: "New item", sales: 0, price: 100 });
this.sortByName = function () {
this.items.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.name < b.name ? -1 : 1;
this.jumpToFirstPage = function () {
this.gridViewModel = new ko.simpleGrid.viewModel({
data: this.items,
columns: [
{ headerText: "Item Name", rowText: "name" },
{ headerText: "Sales Count", rowText: "sales" },
{ headerText: "Price", rowText: function (item) { return "$" + item.price.toFixed(2) } }
pageSize: 4
var PagedGridModel1 = function (items) {
this.items = ko.observableArray(items);
this.addItem = function () {
this.items.push({ name: "New item", sales: 0, price: 100 });
this.sortByName = function () {
this.items.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.name < b.name ? -1 : 1;
this.jumpToFirstPage = function () {
this.gridViewModel1 = new ko.simpleGrid.viewModel({
data: this.items,
columns: [
{ headerText: "Item Name", rowText: "name" },
{ headerText: "Sales Count", rowText: "sales" },
{ headerText: "Price", rowText: function (item) { return "$" + item.price.toFixed(2) } }
pageSize: 4
<div id='liveExample'>
<div data-bind='simpleGrid: gridViewModel'>
<button data-bind='click: addItem'>
Add item
<button data-bind='click: sortByName'>
Sort by name
<button data-bind='click: jumpToFirstPage, enable: gridViewModel.currentPageIndex'>
Jump to first page
<div id='liveExample1'>
<div data-bind='simpleGrid: gridViewModel1'>
<button data-bind='click: addItem'>
Add item
<button data-bind='click: sortByName'>
Sort by name
<button data-bind='click: jumpToFirstPage, enable: gridViewModel1.currentPageIndex'>
Jump to first page
function Item(name) {
this.name = name;
function VM() {
this.collection1 = ko.observableArray();
this.collection2 = ko.observableArray();
this.collection3 = ko.observableArray();
var self = this;
self.init = function () {
var c1i1 = new Item("C1 I1");
var c1i2 = new Item("C1 I1");
self.collection1([c1i1, c1i2]);
var c2i1 = new Item("C2 I1");
var c2i2 = new Item("C2 I1");
self.collection2([c2i1, c2i2]);
var c3i1 = new Item("C3 I1");
var c3i2 = new Item("C3 I1");
self.collection3([c3i1, c3i2]);
ko.applyBindings(new VM(), document.getElementById('test'));
<div id="test">
<div data-bind="foreach:collection1">
<div data-bind="text:name"></div>
<div data-bind="foreach:collection2">
<div data-bind="text:name"></div>
<div data-bind="foreach:collection3">
<div data-bind="text:name"></div>
然而,如果你想使用四个不同的独立视图模型,你需要创建它们每个都有自己的集合,并通过 id 对它们应用敲除绑定,例如:
ko.applyBindings(new VM(), document.getElementById('ViewModel1Container'));
我在 jsFiddle 的一页上制作了多个淘汰网格的工作示例。在这里。
<div id="as">
<div data-bind="foreach: as">
<input name="a1" id="a1" data-bind="value: a1" /><br />
<input name="a2" id="a2" data-bind="value: a2" /><br />
<button data-bind="click: removeA">×</button><br />
<button data-bind="click: addA">+</button>
<div id="bs">
<div data-bind="foreach: bs">
<input name="b1" id="b1" data-bind="value: b1" /><br />
<input name="b2" id="b2" data-bind="value: b2" /><br />
<button data-bind="click: removeB">×</button><br />
<button data-bind="click: addB">+</button>
/* First Grid */
function A(a1, a2) {
var self = this;
self.a1 = a1;
self.a2 = a2;
function AsVM() {
var self = this;
self.as = ko.observableArray([
new A('', '')
self.addA = function() {
self.as.push(new A('', ''));
self.removeA = function(a) {
/* Second Grid */
function B(b1, b2) {
var self = this;
self.b1 = b1;
self.b2 = b2;
function BsVM() {
var self = this;
self.bs = ko.observableArray([
new B('', '')
self.addB = function() {
self.bs.push(new B('', ''));
self.removeB = function(b) {
ko.applyBindings(AsVM, document.getElementById('as'));
ko.applyBindings(BsVM, document.getElementById('bs'));