我实现了一个似乎运行良好的版本 - 尽管我仍然使用(相当通用和伪劣的)正则表达式从文本中提取 html 标记。现在在注释的 javascript 中:
* Manipulate text inside HTML according to passed function
* @param html the html string to manipulate
* @param manipulator the funciton to manipulate with (will be passed single word)
* @returns manipulated string including unmodified HTML
* Currently limited in that manipulator operates on words determined by regex
* word boundaries, and must return same length manipulated word
var manipulate = function(html, manipulator) {
var block, tag, words, i,
final = '', // used to prepare return value
tags = [], // used to store tags as they are stripped from the html string
x = 0; // used to track the number of characters the html string is reduced by during stripping
// remove tags from html string, and use callback to store them with their index
// then split by word boundaries to get plain words from original html
words = html.replace(/<.+?>/g, function(match, index) {
match: match,
index: index - x
x += match.length;
return '';
// loop through each word and build the final string
// appending the word, or manipulated word if not a boundary
for (i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
final += i % 2 ? words[i] : manipulator(words[i]);
// loop through each stored tag, and insert into final string
for (i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
final = final.slice(0, tags[i].index) + tags[i].match + final.slice(tags[i].index);
// ready to go!
return final;
上面定义的函数接受一个 HTML 字符串,以及一个对字符串中的单词进行操作的操作函数,无论它们是否被 HTML 元素分割。
它的工作原理是首先删除所有 HTML 标记,并将标记与从中获取的索引一起存储,然后操作文本,然后以相反的顺序将标记添加到其原始位置。
* Test our function with various input
var reverse, rutherford, shuffle, text, titleCase;
// set our test html string
text = "<h2>Header</h2><p>all the <span class=\"bright\">content</span> here</p>\nQuick<em>Draw</em>McGraw\n<em>going</em><i>home</i>";
// function used to reverse words
reverse = function(s) {
return s.split('').reverse().join('');
// function used by rutherford to return a shuffled array
shuffle = function(a) {
return a.sort(function() {
return Math.round(Math.random()) - 0.5;
// function used to shuffle the middle of words, leaving each end undisturbed
rutherford = function(inc) {
var m = inc.match(/^(.?)(.*?)(.)$/);
return m[1] + shuffle(m[2].split('')).join('') + m[3];
// function to make word Title Cased
titleCase = function(s) {
return s.replace(/./, function(w) {
return w.toUpperCase();
console.log(manipulate(text, reverse));
console.log(manipulate(text, rutherford));
console.log(manipulate(text, titleCase));
现在我在代码中添加了一些注释,并将其作为 javascript 的要点,我希望有人会改进它 - 特别是如果有人可以删除正则表达式部分并用更好的东西替换!
现在终于使用 HTML 解析器
演示:http: //jsfiddle.net/EDJyU/