如果我有一个 HTML 字符串,可能是这样的......

<h2>Header</h2><p>all the <span class="bright">content</span> here</p>


<h2>redaeH</h2><p>lla eht <span class="bright">tnetnoc</span> ereh</p>

我知道如何从 HTML 中提取字符串并通过传递给函数并获得修改后的结果来操作它,但是我将如何在保留 HTML 的同时这样做呢?

我更喜欢非语言特定的解决方案,但如果它必须是特定于语言的,那么了解 php/javascript 会很有用。


我还希望能够操作跨越多个 DOM 元素的文本......




目前,我正在考虑以某种方式用唯一标记替换所有 HTML 节点,同时将原件存储在数组中,然后进行忽略标记的操作,然后用数组中的值替换标记。

这种方法似乎过于复杂,我不知道如何在不使用 REGEX 的情况下替换所有 HTML,我了解到你可以去堆栈溢出监狱岛。


我想在这里澄清一个问题。我希望文本操作发生在xDOM 元素的数量上 - 例如,如果我的公式随机移动单词中间的字母,让开头和结尾保持不变,我希望能够做到这一点......




因此 HTML 元素保持不变,但内部的字符串内容会goinghome以操作公式选择的任何方式进行操作(作为一个整体 - 在本示例中传递给操作公式)。


6 回答 6


如果你想在不改变文本的情况下达到类似的视觉效果,你可以用 css 作弊,用

h2, p {
  direction: rtl;
  unicode-bidi: bidi-override;


小提琴示例:http: //jsfiddle.net/pn6Ga/

于 2012-08-09T13:46:54.293 回答


function keepcase($word, $replace) {
   $replace[0] = (ctype_upper($word[0]) ? strtoupper($replace[0]) : $replace[0]);
   return $replace;

// regex - match the contents grouping into HTMLTAG and non-HTMLTAG chunks
$re = '%(</?\w++[^<>]*+>)                 # grab HTML open or close TAG into group 1
|                                         # or...
([^<]*+(?:(?!</?\w++[^<>]*+>)<[^<]*+)*+)  # grab non-HTMLTAG text into group 2

$contents = '<h2>Header</h2><p>the <span class="bright">content</span> here</p>';

// walk through the content, chunk, by chunk, replacing words in non-NTMLTAG chunks only
$contents = preg_replace_callback($re, 'callback_func', $contents);

function callback_func($matches) { // here's the callback function
    if ($matches[1]) {             // Case 1: this is a HTMLTAG
        return $matches[1];        // return HTMLTAG unmodified
    elseif (isset($matches[2])) {  // Case 2: a non-HTMLTAG chunk.
                                   // declare these here
                                   // or use as global vars?
        return preg_replace('/\b' . $matches[2] . '\b/ei', "keepcase('\\0', '".strrev($matches[2])."')",
    exit("Error!");                // never get here
echo ($contents);
于 2012-08-09T14:07:45.023 回答

使用可以为您提供 DOM API 的东西解析 HTML。




于 2012-08-09T13:46:45.040 回答


$('div *').each(function(){
    text = $(this).text();
    text = text.split('');
    text = text.reverse();
    text = text.join('');

见这里 - http://jsfiddle.net/GCAvb/

于 2012-08-09T13:55:09.533 回答

我实现了一个似乎运行良好的版本 - 尽管我仍然使用(相当通用和伪劣的)正则表达式从文本中提取 html 标记。现在在注释的 javascript 中:


* Manipulate text inside HTML according to passed function
* @param html the html string to manipulate
* @param manipulator the funciton to manipulate with (will be passed single word)
* @returns manipulated string including unmodified HTML
* Currently limited in that manipulator operates on words determined by regex
* word boundaries, and must return same length manipulated word

var manipulate = function(html, manipulator) {

  var block, tag, words, i,
    final = '', // used to prepare return value
    tags = [], // used to store tags as they are stripped from the html string
    x = 0; // used to track the number of characters the html string is reduced by during stripping

  // remove tags from html string, and use callback to store them with their index
  // then split by word boundaries to get plain words from original html
  words = html.replace(/<.+?>/g, function(match, index) {
      match: match,
      index: index - x
    x += match.length;
    return '';

  // loop through each word and build the final string
  // appending the word, or manipulated word if not a boundary
  for (i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
    final += i % 2 ? words[i] : manipulator(words[i]);

  // loop through each stored tag, and insert into final string
  for (i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
    final = final.slice(0, tags[i].index) + tags[i].match + final.slice(tags[i].index);

  // ready to go!
  return final;


上面定义的函数接受一个 HTML 字符串,以及一个对字符串中的单词进行操作的操作函数,无论它们是否被 HTML 元素分割。

它的工作原理是首先删除所有 HTML 标记,并将标记与从中获取的索引一起存储,然后操作文本,然后以相反的顺序将标记添加到其原始位置。


 * Test our function with various input

var reverse, rutherford, shuffle, text, titleCase;

// set our test html string
text = "<h2>Header</h2><p>all the <span class=\"bright\">content</span> here</p>\nQuick<em>Draw</em>McGraw\n<em>going</em><i>home</i>";

// function used to reverse words
reverse = function(s) {
  return s.split('').reverse().join('');

// function used by rutherford to return a shuffled array
shuffle = function(a) {
  return a.sort(function() {
    return Math.round(Math.random()) - 0.5;

// function used to shuffle the middle of words, leaving each end undisturbed
rutherford = function(inc) {
  var m = inc.match(/^(.?)(.*?)(.)$/);
  return m[1] + shuffle(m[2].split('')).join('') + m[3];

// function to make word Title Cased
titleCase = function(s) {
  return s.replace(/./, function(w) {
    return w.toUpperCase();

console.log(manipulate(text, reverse));
console.log(manipulate(text, rutherford));
console.log(manipulate(text, titleCase));



现在我在代码中添加了一些注释,并将其作为 javascript 的要点,我希望有人会改进它 - 特别是如果有人可以删除正则表达式部分并用更好的东西替换!

要点:https ://gist.github.com/3309906

演示:http: //jsfiddle.net/gh/gist/underscore/1/3309906/


现在终于使用 HTML 解析器


演示:http: //jsfiddle.net/EDJyU/

于 2012-08-09T17:44:22.660 回答

您可以使用 setInterval 每隔 ** 次更改一次,例如:

const TITTLE = document.getElementById("Tittle") //Let's get the div
 setInterval(()=> { 
      let TITTLE2 = document.getElementById("rotate") //we get the element at the moment of execution
      let spanTittle = document.createElement("span"); // we create the new element "span"

      spanTittle.setAttribute("id","rotate");  // attribute to new element
      (TITTLE2.textContent == "TEXT1")       // We compare wich string is in the div
      ? spanTittle.appendChild(document.createTextNode(`TEXT2`)) 
      : spanTittle.appendChild(document.createTextNode(`TEXT1`))

      TITTLE.replaceChild(spanTittle,TITTLE2)   //finally, replace the old span for a new
   <div id="Tittle">TEST YOUR <span id="rotate">TEXT1</span></div>

于 2021-04-29T01:16:18.430 回答