如何在validCell中修改传递给validCell的“列表”,然后返回修改后的列表?validCell 获取参数并检查是否可以从 cellsForWord 中 for 循环的 r & c 给出的起点找到拼写“单词”的单元格路径。我不认为我所拥有的是正确的。
public class GoodWordOnBoardFinder implements IWordOnBoardFinder {
public List<BoardCell> cellsForWord(BoggleBoard board, String word) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
List<BoardCell> list = new ArrayList<BoardCell>();
//Loop through each cell on board to find a starting point
for(int r=0; r < board.size(); r++)
for(int c=0; c < board.size(); c++)
if(validCell(board, r, c, list, word, 0))
return list;
//***HOW to get populated list NOT Blank list???
return null;
public boolean validCell(BoggleBoard theBoard, int row, int col, List<BoardCell> cList, String theWord, int letterIndex ){
BoardCell cell = new BoardCell(row, col);
String letter = theWord.substring(letterIndex, letterIndex+1);
//Check the whole world has been found
if(letterIndex >= theWord.length())
return true;
//Check if row or column is off the board
if(row > theBoard.size() || col > theBoard.size())
return false;
//Check if cell has already been visited
return false;
//Check if cell face isn't the letter we're looking for
if(!theBoard.getFace(row, col).equals(letter))
//Make sure the letter isn't a Q bc Boggle is special
if(!(theBoard.getFace(row, col).equals("Qu") && letter.equals("q")))
return true;
//Check all neighboring cells for letters of the word
int[] rdelta = {-1,-1,-1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1};
int[] cdelta = {-1, 0, 1,-1, 1,-1, 0, 1};
for(int k=0; k < rdelta.length; k++){
if (validCell(theBoard, row+rdelta[k], col+cdelta[k], cList, theWord, letterIndex+1))
return true;
return false;