


#import "Instructions.h"
#import "MainMenu.h"

@implementation Instructions

+ (CCScene *) scene
    CCScene * scene = [CCScene node]; // scene is an autorelease object
    Instructions * layer =  [Instructions node]; // later is an autorelease object
    [scene addChild: layer]; // add layer as a child to scene
    return scene; // return the scene

- (id) init
    if ( ( self = [super init] ) )
        [ self how ];
    return self;

- (void) how 
    // Create the label
    CCLabelTTF *label = [CCLabelTTF labelWithString:@"The object of this game is for kangaroo Leo to collect various berries by jumping and running through obstacles in order to unlock other kangaroos and the worlds in which they live." fontName:@"Consolas" fontSize:16];

    // Position it on the screen
    label.position = ccp(160,240);

    // Add it to the scene so it can be displayed
    [self addChild:label z:0];


1 回答 1


Consolas 没有预装在 iOS 上。Ether 使用默认字体(如 Arial)或将 Consolas.ttf 文件放入您的项目中。添加 .ttf 文件后,转到 info.plist 并使用应用程序提供的关键字体添加一个新行。也添加 Consolas.ttf。

有关添加自定义字体的更详细说明,请访问:http ://tetontech.wordpress.com/2010/09/03/using-custom-fonts-in-your-ios-application/

或在 stackoverflow 上: 我可以在 iPhone 应用程序中嵌入自定义字体吗?

于 2012-08-08T22:11:04.793 回答