

var game = function( ) {
    var now = Date.now( );
    var delta = now - then;

    update( delta / 1000 );
    draw( );

    then = now;

setInterval( game, 1000 / 50 );




2 回答 2


我相信在使用画布时,您的位置变量应该是整数值,因为它们代表像素,而浮点值没有意义。如果您打开控制台并输入,sceneManager.currentScene.GameplayLayer.ball.position.x那么您会得到一个非常长的小数。我认为关于 OP 的评论表明有时球移动 2px 而不是 1px 可能是在某事上。当您更新您的位置时,您最终会得到一个浮点值。


this.position.x += Math.floor(this.speed * 100 * deltaTime * Math.cos(directionInRadians));
this.position.y += Math.floor(this.speed * 100 * deltaTime * Math.sin(directionInRadians));


编辑:由于您编辑了问题以简化逻辑。我可以建议一些尝试,即使用我创建的这个我一直使用的时钟对象。它给了我流畅的动画,而且相当简单。它基于Three.JS 使用的时钟,因此您可能也想检查一下。即使你想使用自己的代码,你至少可以尝试这个现成的解决方案,看看它是否能给你同样的结果。这对我来说似乎工作得很好。另外,您尝试使用 shim,所以您在游戏功能中的调用应该是requestAnimFrame(game);

var Clock = function () {

    /** Member startTime will remain fixed at its integer
        millisecond value returned by Date.now(). Will always
        be equal to the time the clock was started */
    this.startTime = Date.now();

    /** Member ms is updated by tick() to a integer value reprsenting 
        the number of milliseconds between the epoch (January 1, 1970)
        and the current date and time of the system. */
    this.ms = this.startTime;
    this.last = this.startTime;  /** millis at last call to tick() */
    this.time = 0;               /** ms in floating point seconds not millis */

    /** Member dt is updated by tick() to an integer value representing
        the number of milliseconds since the last call to tick(). */
    this.dt = 0;
    this.delta = 0; /** dt in floating point seconds not millis */

    /** Member fps is updated by tick() to a floating point value representing
        frames per second, updated and averaged approximately once per second */
    this.fps = 0.0;

    /** Member frameCount is updated to an integer value representing the
        total number of calls to tick() since the clock was created. */
    this.frameCount = 0;

    /** The frameCounter member is a flag you can turn off if you don't need to
        calculate the frameCount or do the average FPS calculation every second */
    this.frameCounter = true;

    /** Private globals needed to calculcate/average fps over eachs second */
    var timeToUpdate = 0;
    var framesToUpdate = 0;

        The tick() method updates ALL the Clock members, which should only
        be read from and never written to manually. It is recommended that
        tick() is called from a callback loop using requestAnimationFrame

        Learn more: http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/
    this.tick = function () {
        /** This is a new frame with it's very own unique number */

        if (this.frameCounter) this.frameCount++;

        /** Set the private currentTime variable */
        this.ms = Date.now();

        /** Update time delta and immediately set last time to
            be as accurate as possible in our timings. */
        this.dt = this.ms - this.last;
        this.last = this.ms;

        /** Calculate floating-point delta and increment time member */
        this.delta = 0.001 * this.dt;
        this.time += this.delta;

        /** Calculate private temp variables for fps calculation */
        if (this.frameCounter) {
            timeToUpdate += this.dt;
            if (timeToUpdate > 1000) {
                this.fps = Math.round((framesToUpdate * 1000) / timeToUpdate);
                framesToUpdate = 0;
                timeToUpdate = 0;

如果你使用这个对象,那么你需要做的就是在你的初始化函数中创建一个新的时钟对象,就像这样clock = new Clock();。然后调用clock.tick()每个动画调用。然后,您可以访问成员clock.deltaclock.time这将为您提供增量和时间,以秒为单位的浮点值。clock.dt并且clock.ms将以毫秒为单位为您提供与整数相同的值。您还可以使用 fps 访问clock.fps或通过设置禁用它clock.frameCounter = false

于 2012-08-05T23:10:17.023 回答


于 2012-10-09T00:05:15.687 回答