echo '" alt="'.the_title ().'"height="500px" width="940px"data-caption="#'.$post->ID.'" />';
echo '
<span class=" orbit-caption" id="'.$post->ID.'"><a href="'.$permalink.'"><h3>'.the_title ().'</h3></a><br /><p>'.wp_trim_excerpt().'</p></span>
<img src= "http://msc-media.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/wpid-IMAG00421.jpgDay Thirteen – Undissapointing French castles" alt=""height="500px" width="940px"data-caption="#178" />Day Thirteen – Undissapointing French castles
<span class=" orbit-caption" id="178"><a href="http://msc-media.co.uk/?p=178"><h3></h3></a><br /><p>We finally decided to take advantage our free entry to Peyrepetouse, the pictures say it all really! Was super windy near the top, so much so that the falconry show in the castle lost a few birds, which we watched fight the wind to try to get back to their masters for over 30 minutes, [...]</p></span>
问题在于 .the_title()。没有出现在 alt="" 标记中,但在与 img src 合并之前。第二个问题是,对于 span orbit-caption,the_title() 没有输出,因为它应该出现在标签之间。
让我知道我哪里出错了?- 或者我应该把这个字符串分成更多的 echo-s 吗?