我知道这是一直在做的,但出于某种原因,这对我来说没有一点意义。[插入@#$%!这里]我不知道这个(假设)明显的解决方案的正确 OOP 过程是什么。我已经简要阅读了 Abstract 和 Interface 类型类,但对任何符合我要求的示例都无济于事。
// Some code here
$timer = new timer();
$doSomethingCool = new doSomethingCool();
print $timer->length();
class timer {
private $startTime;
private $stopTime;
private $length;
public function start() {
// Start running the timer
public function end() {
// End the timer
public function length() {
// Return the length of the timer
return $this->length;
class doSomethingCool {
public function doIt() {
// Some code here
我已经能够让它“运行”(见下文),但这种解决方法很混乱,我 100% 确定这不是正确的面向对象建模:
// Start by declaring all classes and pass all classes to themselves...
$doSomethingCool = new doSomethingCool();
$timer = new timer();
$class = array(
$doSomethingCool->class = $class;
$timer->class = $class;
// Some code here
print $timer->length();
class timer {
// In each class we now declare a public variable
// 'class' that we had passed all class instances to...
public $class;
private $startTime;
private $stopTime;
private $length;
public function start() {
// Start running the timer
public function end() {
// End the timer
public function length() {
// Return the length of the timer
return $this->length;
class doSomethingCool {
public $class;
public function doIt() {
// Some code here
由于 E_STRICT,我不想使用$timer::start();