I have several Controllers which all inherit a BaseController.

I have an Admin Area setup where Controllers inherit the BaseController. Inside the BaseController there is a method called public JsonResult DoSomething(). If some of these Controllers have a View of which a Url.Action is defined, how can I reference that DoSomething() method in the base controller with an Area reference?

FruitController : BaseController
VegetableController : BaseController

Index View of FruitController has a call to

@Url.Action("DoSomething", ???, new { area = "Admin" })

I dont think there is a constructor with action and just variables. Am I just stuck with defining public JsonResult DoSomething() in each Controller regardless of it being in the BaseController as I can't seem to call the method.


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@Url.Action("DoSomething", "Fruit", ...
于 2012-08-04T13:12:55.480 回答