without installing visual studio
without installing visual studio
您可以做的最好的事情是(并且是一个很好的编码实践)在一个新的 buid 中添加 try catch 异常块在具有日志功能的方法中记录(在 catch 块中)让我们说一个文本文件
您可以使用可移植运行的 WinDbg(从现有安装中复制),并且使用 SoS 附加组件,它可以在调试 C# 应用程序时提供很大帮助——即使在事后分析中也是如此。一开始可能很难掌握,但值得学习 - 它在多种情况下会非常有用。
SoS 参考:http: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb190764.aspx
Starting, Attaching, Executing and Exiting
Start -> All Programs -> Debugging Tools for Windows -> WinDbg
attach to process
interrupt debugee
detach from a process
continue debugee execution
exit WinDbg
Getting Help
help on commands that affect the debugee
help on commands that affect the debugger
.hh command
view the on line help file
help on the extension dll at the top of the chain (e. g., SOS)
Issuing Commands
up arrow, down arrow, enter
scroll through command history
Right mouse button
paste into command window
Examining the Unmanaged Environment
list loaded modules with full path
list loaded modules with last modified timestamp
list unmanaged threads
~thread s
select a thread for thread specific commands
!token -n
view thread permissions
view the unmanaged call stack
view thread CPU consumption
set a breakpoint
.dump path
dump small memory image
.dump /ma path
dump complete memory image
Working with Extension DLLs (e. g., SOS)
list extensions dlls
.load clr10\sos
load SOS for debugging framework 1.0 / 1.1 (use .unload to unload)
.loadby sos mscorwks
load SOS for debugging framework 2.0
.loadby sos clr
load SOS for debugging framework 4.0
SOS Commands
view managed threads
view the managed call stack
view combined unmanaged & managed call stack
!clrstack -p
view function call arguments
!clrstack –l
view stack (local) variables
!name2ee module class
view addresses associated with a class or method
!dumpmt –md address
view the method table & methods for a class
!dumpmd address
view detailed information about a method
!do address
view information about an object
!dumpheap –stat
view memory consumption by type
!dumpheap –min size
view memory consumption by object when at least size
!dumpheap –type type
view memory consumption for all objects of type type
!gcroot address
view which object are holding a reference to address
view information about managed locks
SOS 2.0 Commands
!bpmd module method
set breakpoint
!DumpArray address
view contents of an array
view information about most recent exception
If you don't want to install any other debugger,
Then you should simply implement trace and log on each section of code carefully and then you can view the traces or errors on the text file..
Ways to implement trace and log:
use can use TraceListener
class on system.diaognosis
or use
Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Logging namespace's class `Logger` to implement tracing:
Logger.Write(message, "Trace", 0, 0, System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Information);