

public class GolferUnitTest //: GolferTestBase
    public MockGolfEntities _repository;

    public void ShouldAddNewGolferToRepository()
        _repository = new MockGolfEntities();

        _repository.Golfers = new InMemoryDbSet<Golfer>(CreateFakeGolfers());

        int count = _repository.Golfers.Count();

        Assert.IsTrue(_repository.Golfers.Count() == count + 1);

    private Golfer _newGolfer = new Golfer()
        Index = 8,
        Guid = System.Guid.NewGuid(),
        FirstName = "Jonas",
        LastName = "Persson"
    public static IEnumerable<Golfer> CreateFakeGolfers()
        yield return new Golfer()
            Index = 1,
            FirstName = "Bill",
            LastName = "Clinton",
            Guid = System.Guid.NewGuid()
        yield return new Golfer()
            Index = 2,
            FirstName = "Lee",
            LastName = "Westwood",
            Guid = System.Guid.NewGuid()
        yield return new Golfer()
            Index = 3,
            FirstName = "Justin",
            LastName = "Rose",
            Guid = System.Guid.NewGuid()

我使用实体框架和代码优先构建了一个数据模型。我已经模拟了 IDbSet 的派生类以测试我的上下文(对网上的人行屈膝礼,我记不清了)

public class InMemoryDbSet<T> : IDbSet<T> where T : class
    readonly HashSet<T> _set;
    readonly IQueryable<T> _queryableSet;

    public InMemoryDbSet() : this(Enumerable.Empty<T>()) { }

    public InMemoryDbSet(IEnumerable<T> entities)
        _set = new HashSet<T>();

        foreach (var entity in entities)

        _queryableSet = _set.AsQueryable();

    public T Add(T entity)
        return entity;


    public int Count(T entity)
        return _set.Count();

    // bunch of other methods that I don't want to burden you with

当我调试并单步执行代码时,我可以看到我实例化了_repository并用三个伪造的高尔夫球手填充它,但是当我退出 add 函数时,_respoistory.Golfers又是空的。当我添加一个新的高尔夫球手时,_set.Add(entity)跑步和高尔夫球手被添加,但又_respoistory.Golfers是空的。我在这里想念什么?


我很抱歉我是个白痴,但我没有set在我的MockGolfEntities上下文中实现。我没有的原因是我之前尝试过,但不知道如何,继续前进,然后忘记了。那么,我该如何设置IDbSet?这是我尝试过的,但它给了我一个堆栈溢出错误。我觉得自己像个白痴,但我不知道如何编写 set 函数。

public class MockGolfEntities : DbContext, IContext
    public MockGolfEntities() {}

    public IDbSet<Golfer> Golfers { 
        get {
            return new InMemoryDbSet<Golfer>();
        set {
            this.Golfers = this.Set<Golfer>();

1 回答 1


您不需要实现 get/set,以下代码应该足以为您生成上下文。

public class MockGolfEntities : DbContext, IContext
    public MockGolfEntities() {}

    public IDbSet<Golfer> Golfers { get; set;}


我已经实现了您在原始帖子中的代码,一切似乎对我来说都很好——您从哪里获得 InMemoryDbSet 的源代码?我正在使用NuGet 包 1.3,也许你应该试试那个版本?

于 2012-08-03T01:27:52.317 回答