有人知道任何好的稀疏矩阵库吗?我需要它来对大型稀疏矩阵 (10,000 x 10,000) 进行 kronecker 产品和乘法运算。

现在我们正在使用 R,它可以很好地处理它们。不幸的是,我们无法将 R 投入生产,因此正在寻找替代方案。我一直在玩 Math.net 数字,但似乎有点慢。


1 回答 1


A .NET open-source alternative to Math.NET Numerics is MetaNumerics. Most recent downloads can be accessed here. MetaNumerics has less functionality than Math.NET Numerics and it has not been updated for a year or so, but it does provide some sparse matrix functionality according to the API documentation.

There is also sparse matrix support in ALGLIB, which is available for multiple platforms including .NET. ALGLIB comes with both an open-source and commercial license.

I do not know if either of these libraries provide faster sparse matrix computation than Math.NET Numerics, though.

于 2012-08-01T15:18:55.590 回答