不失一般性,在[a,b]上生成随机整数的问题可以简化为在[0,s)上生成随机整数的问题。从统一的 PRNG 生成有界范围内的随机整数的最新技术由以下最近的出版物表示:
Daniel Lemire,“区间内的快速随机整数生成”。ACM 翻译。模型。计算。模拟。29, 1, 第 3 条(2019 年 1 月)(ArXiv 草案)
Lemire 表明他的算法提供了无偏的结果,并且受到越来越受欢迎的非常快速的高质量 PRNG(如 Melissa O'Neill 的PCG 生成器)的推动,展示了如何快速计算结果,几乎一直避免缓慢的除法运算.
他的算法的一个示例性 ISO-C 实现randint()
如下所示。在这里,我结合 George Marsaglia 的旧KISS64 PRNG 来演示它。出于性能原因,所需的 64×64→128 位无符号乘法通常最好通过机器特定的内在函数或直接映射到适当硬件指令的内联汇编来实现。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/* PRNG state */
typedef struct Prng_T *Prng_T;
/* Returns uniformly distributed integers in [0, 2**64-1] */
uint64_t random64 (Prng_T);
/* Multiplies two 64-bit factors into a 128-bit product */
void umul64wide (uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t *, uint64_t *);
/* Generate in bias-free manner a random integer in [0, s) with Lemire's fast
algorithm that uses integer division only rarely. s must be in [0, 2**64-1].
Daniel Lemire, "Fast Random Integer Generation in an Interval," ACM Trans.
Model. Comput. Simul. 29, 1, Article 3 (January 2019)
uint64_t randint (Prng_T prng, uint64_t s)
uint64_t x, h, l, t;
x = random64 (prng);
umul64wide (x, s, &h, &l);
if (l < s) {
t = (0 - s) % s;
while (l < t) {
x = random64 (prng);
umul64wide (x, s, &h, &l);
return h;
#define X86_INLINE_ASM (0)
/* Multiply two 64-bit unsigned integers into a 128 bit unsined product. Return
the least significant 64 bist of the product to the location pointed to by
lo, and the most signfiicant 64 bits of the product to the location pointed
to by hi.
void umul64wide (uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t *hi, uint64_t *lo)
uint64_t l, h;
__asm__ (
"movq %2, %%rax;\n\t" // rax = a
"mulq %3;\n\t" // rdx:rax = a * b
"movq %%rax, %0;\n\t" // l = (a * b)<31:0>
"movq %%rdx, %1;\n\t" // h = (a * b)<63:32>
: "=r"(l), "=r"(h)
: "r"(a), "r"(b)
: "%rax", "%rdx");
*lo = l;
*hi = h;
#else // X86_INLINE_ASM
uint64_t a_lo = (uint64_t)(uint32_t)a;
uint64_t a_hi = a >> 32;
uint64_t b_lo = (uint64_t)(uint32_t)b;
uint64_t b_hi = b >> 32;
uint64_t p0 = a_lo * b_lo;
uint64_t p1 = a_lo * b_hi;
uint64_t p2 = a_hi * b_lo;
uint64_t p3 = a_hi * b_hi;
uint32_t cy = (uint32_t)(((p0 >> 32) + (uint32_t)p1 + (uint32_t)p2) >> 32);
*lo = p0 + (p1 << 32) + (p2 << 32);
*hi = p3 + (p1 >> 32) + (p2 >> 32) + cy;
#endif // X86_INLINE_ASM
/* George Marsaglia's KISS64 generator, posted to comp.lang.c on 28 Feb 2009
struct Prng_T {
uint64_t x, c, y, z, t;
struct Prng_T kiss64 = {1234567890987654321ULL, 123456123456123456ULL,
362436362436362436ULL, 1066149217761810ULL, 0ULL};
/* KISS64 state equations */
#define MWC64 (kiss64->t = (kiss64->x << 58) + kiss64->c, \
kiss64->c = (kiss64->x >> 6), kiss64->x += kiss64->t, \
kiss64->c += (kiss64->x < kiss64->t), kiss64->x)
#define XSH64 (kiss64->y ^= (kiss64->y << 13), kiss64->y ^= (kiss64->y >> 17), \
kiss64->y ^= (kiss64->y << 43))
#define CNG64 (kiss64->z = 6906969069ULL * kiss64->z + 1234567ULL)
#define KISS64 (MWC64 + XSH64 + CNG64)
uint64_t random64 (Prng_T kiss64)
return KISS64;
int main (void)
int i;
Prng_T state = &kiss64;
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
printf ("%llu\n", randint (state, 10));