I use VB.net
I use ListView to view 50*x thumbnails(.jpg) at the left to the items.
But instead of 32bit high quality thumbnails, ListView lowers them to 8bit or 16bit(not sure).
Here's the code
Private Sub afterprocessed()
Dim imlTemp As New ImageList
Dim dirFiles() As String = IO.Directory.GetFiles("backend\communicate\thumbnails")
Dim _imgList As New ImageList
Dim imgSize As New Size
imgSize.Width = 50
ListView1.SmallImageList = _imgList
Dim count As Integer = 0
Dim item As New ListViewItem
For Each dirFile As String In dirFiles
Dim imgFilename As String = IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dirFile)
Dim img As New System.Drawing.Bitmap(dirFile)
Dim imgImage As Image = Image.FromFile(dirFile)
'Dim imgHeight As Integer
'imgHeight = imgImage.Height
imgSize.Height = imgImage.Height
_imgList.ImageSize = imgSize
ListView1.Items.Add(imgFilename, count)
count += 1
End Sub
And the quality is noticably low. Compared to original JPG
Any advice? I'd greatly appreciate it :D