我正在为 Javascript 创建一个游戏引擎,或者更像是一个包含有用类和函数的大型库。我计划将它用于服务器端和客户端的一些科学模拟,因此功能范围将相当广泛,但它总是围绕虚拟世界(例如游戏)。



var Engine = function()
    this.someVar = 4;

Engine.prototype.Scene = function()
    this.entities = [];
    //What if the scene object needs some classes that are in the engine? How does it get it's parent engine object?

Engine.prototype.Scene.prototype.render = function()
    //"this" should now represent an instance of a scene. But how can I get someVar from the engine? How can I traverse up in the hierarchy of classes?

2 回答 2



var Engine = (function($)
    $ = $ || {};
    var someVar = 4;

    $.Scene = function()
        this.entities = [];

    $.Scene.prototype.render = function()
        // this function can access someVar just fine because of JavaScript's scoping rules

    return $;

这使用所谓的立即调用函数表达式(以下称为IIFE)在 Engine 对象内形成一个闭包。由于JavaScript 对范围的处理, IIFEsomeVar中定义的任何函数都可以访问。someVar但是,这意味着如果要引用someVar您在 IIFE 中定义的函数,则没有函数可以定义自己的函数。

魔术来自 return 语句。您可以看到返回了一个对象,并且在此对象中您必须定义任何您想要“公开”的内容。

然后可以通过 访问构造函数、实用程序方法等Engine.Scene,这很好地为您的代码命名空间。

至于$参数,这样您就可以传递Engine给每个文件中的函数,添加一些方法/属性/构造函数(如果不存在则创建一个新的),然后将返回值传递给另一个 IIFE 以进一步扩张。

这是许多流行的 JavaScript 框架中使用的方法,包括jQuerydojoLimeJS


var Engine = (function ($) {
  // this creates a new object if Engine is undefined in the 
  // invocation below, and keeps the old object otherwise.
  // alternatively: if ($ === undefined) { $ = new Object; }
  $ = $ || {};

  $.foo = "foo";
  $.Scene = function () {
    // blah blah

  // Engine holds either a newly created object,
  // or the old one if it was already defined
  return $;


var Engine = (function ($) {
  $ = $ || {};

  $.Sprite = function () {
    // totally works
    this.bar = $.foo;

  return $;


<script type="text/javascript" src="bar.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="foo.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  var mySprite = new Engine.Sprite;
  var myScene = new Engine.Scene;


于 2012-07-30T09:23:01.817 回答

我认为你不需要甚至不应该那样组织你的课程。即使 Scene 和 Engine 类是相关的,Scene 类也不必是 Render 的子类。改为使用平面类层次结构,这将更容易维护和扩展。


// Define the namespace only if it doesn't already exist. That
// way you can split the definition of your classes in various
// files, without having to worry in which order they are loaded.
if (typeof gameEngine === 'undefined') gameEngine = {};

gameEngine.Engine = function()
    this.someVar = 4;

gameEngine.Scene = function()
    this.entities = [];

// Add a new function to define which
// scene the Engine should render:
gameEngine.Engine.prototype.setScene = function(scene)
    this.scene = scene;

gameEngine.Engine.prototype.render = function()
    // render this.scene
于 2012-07-30T09:17:11.590 回答