
int pnpoly(int nvert, float *vertx, float *verty, float testx, float testy)
  int i, j, c = 0;
  for (i = 0, j = nvert-1; i < nvert; j = i++) {
    if ( ((verty[i]>testy) != (verty[j]>testy)) &&
     (testx < (vertx[j]-vertx[i]) * (testy-verty[i]) / (verty[j]-verty[i]) + vertx[i]) )
       c = !c;
  return c;





12 回答 12


该算法是向右投射光线。循环的每次迭代,都会根据多边形的一个边检查测试点。如果点的 y 坐标在边的范围内,则 if 测试的第一行成功。第二行检查测试点是否在该行的左侧(我想 - 我没有任何废纸要检查)。如果是这样,则从测试点向右绘制的线穿过该边缘。

通过反复反转 的值c,该算法计算向右的线穿过多边形的次数。如果它穿过奇数次,则该点在内部;如果是偶数,则该点在外面。

不过,我会担心 a) 浮点运算的准确性,以及 b) 具有水平边缘或与顶点具有相同 y 坐标的测试点的影响。

于 2012-07-30T06:31:30.010 回答

编辑 1/30/2022:我在 9 年前上大学时写了这个答案。聊天对话中的人表示它不准确。你可能应该去别处看看。‍♂️</p>

乔利特在各个方面、形状和形式上都是正确的。该算法假设如果您的点在多边形的线上,那么它就在外面——在某些情况下,这是错误的。将两个 '>' 运算符更改为 '>=' 并将 '<' 更改为 '<=' 将解决此问题。

bool PointInPolygon(Point point, Polygon polygon) {
  vector<Point> points = polygon.getPoints();
  int i, j, nvert = points.size();
  bool c = false;
  for(i = 0, j = nvert - 1; i < nvert; j = i++) {
    if( ( (points[i].y >= point.y ) != (points[j].y >= point.y) ) &&
        (point.x <= (points[j].x - points[i].x) * (point.y - points[i].y) / (points[j].y - points[i].y) + points[i].x)
      c = !c;
  return c;
于 2013-03-24T14:10:27.593 回答


    //method to check if a Coordinate is located in a polygon
public boolean checkIsInPolygon(ArrayList<Coordinate> poly){
    //this method uses the ray tracing algorithm to determine if the point is in the polygon
    int nPoints=poly.size();
    int j=-999;
    int i=-999;
    boolean locatedInPolygon=false;
        //repeat loop for all sets of points
            //if i is the last vertex, let j be the first vertex
            j= 0;
            //for all-else, let j=(i+1)th vertex

        float vertY_i= (float)poly.get(i).getY();
        float vertX_i= (float)poly.get(i).getX();
        float vertY_j= (float)poly.get(j).getY();
        float vertX_j= (float)poly.get(j).getX();
        float testX  = (float)this.getX();
        float testY  = (float)this.getY();

        // following statement checks if testPoint.Y is below Y-coord of i-th vertex
        boolean belowLowY=vertY_i>testY;
        // following statement checks if testPoint.Y is below Y-coord of i+1-th vertex
        boolean belowHighY=vertY_j>testY;

        /* following statement is true if testPoint.Y satisfies either (only one is possible) 
        -->(i).Y < testPoint.Y < (i+1).Y        OR  
        -->(i).Y > testPoint.Y > (i+1).Y

        Both of the conditions indicate that a point is located within the edges of the Y-th coordinate
        of the (i)-th and the (i+1)- th vertices of the polygon. If neither of the above
        conditions is satisfied, then it is assured that a semi-infinite horizontal line draw 
        to the right from the testpoint will NOT cross the line that connects vertices i and i+1 
        of the polygon
        boolean withinYsEdges= belowLowY != belowHighY;

        if( withinYsEdges){
            // this is the slope of the line that connects vertices i and i+1 of the polygon
            float slopeOfLine   = ( vertX_j-vertX_i )/ (vertY_j-vertY_i) ;

            // this looks up the x-coord of a point lying on the above line, given its y-coord
            float pointOnLine   = ( slopeOfLine* (testY - vertY_i) )+vertX_i;

            //checks to see if x-coord of testPoint is smaller than the point on the line with the same y-coord
            boolean isLeftToLine= testX < pointOnLine;

                //this statement changes true to false (and vice-versa)
                locatedInPolygon= !locatedInPolygon;
            }//end if (isLeftToLine)
        }//end if (withinYsEdges

    return locatedInPolygon;


于 2014-03-27T14:02:34.703 回答

我更改了原始代码以使其更具可读性(这也使用了 Eigen)。该算法是相同的。

// This uses the ray-casting algorithm to decide whether the point is inside
// the given polygon. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_in_polygon#Ray_casting_algorithm
bool pnpoly(const Eigen::MatrixX2d &poly, float x, float y)
    // If we never cross any lines we're inside.
    bool inside = false;

    // Loop through all the edges.
    for (int i = 0; i < poly.rows(); ++i)
        // i is the index of the first vertex, j is the next one.
        // The original code uses a too-clever trick for this.
        int j = (i + 1) % poly.rows();

        // The vertices of the edge we are checking.
        double xp0 = poly(i, 0);
        double yp0 = poly(i, 1);
        double xp1 = poly(j, 0);
        double yp1 = poly(j, 1);

        // Check whether the edge intersects a line from (-inf,y) to (x,y).

        // First check if the line crosses the horizontal line at y in either direction.
        if ((yp0 <= y) && (yp1 > y) || (yp1 <= y) && (yp0 > y))
            // If so, get the point where it crosses that line. This is a simple solution
            // to a linear equation. Note that we can't get a division by zero here -
            // if yp1 == yp0 then the above if be false.
            double cross = (xp1 - xp0) * (y - yp0) / (yp1 - yp0) + xp0;

            // Finally check if it crosses to the left of our test point. You could equally
            // do right and it should give the same result.
            if (cross < x)
                inside = !inside;
    return inside;
于 2017-05-10T15:32:50.233 回答



2) 在多边形内部或外部选择要测试的点。

3) 对于沿多边形周边的每个向量 Vn,找到从测试点开始到 Vn 尾部结束的向量 Dn。计算定义为 DnXVn/DN*VN 的向量 Cn(X 表示叉积;* 表示点积)。将 Cn 的大小称为 Mn。

4) 把所有的 Mn 相加,称这个量为 K。

5) 如果 K 为零,则该点在多边形之外。

6) 如果 K 不为零,则该点在多边形内。


K 的几何含义是坐在我们测试点上的跳蚤“看到”在多边形边缘行走的蚂蚁向左行走的总角度减去向右行走的角度。在闭合回路中,蚂蚁在它开始的地方结束。在多边形之外,无论位置如何,答案都是零。

于 2014-03-21T21:53:51.343 回答



// not optimized yet (nvert could be left out)
public static function pnpoly(nvert: int, vertx: Array, verty: Array, x: Number, y: Number): Boolean
    var i: int, j: int;
    var c: Boolean = false;
    for (i = 0, j = nvert - 1; i < nvert; j = i++)
        if (((verty[i] > y) != (verty[j] > y)) && (x < (vertx[j] - vertx[i]) * (y - verty[i]) / (verty[j] - verty[i]) + vertx[i]))
            c = !c;
    return c;
于 2013-12-18T11:35:22.513 回答

此方法检查从点 (testx, testy) 到 O (0,0) 的光线是否切过多边形的边。

这里有一个众所周知的结论:如果一条来自 1 点的射线切割多边形的边一段奇数时间,则该点将属于该多边形,否则该点将位于该多边形之外。

于 2012-07-30T07:17:36.043 回答

为了扩展@chowlette 的答案,第二行检查点是否在行的左侧,没有给出推导,但这是我得出的结论:首先,它有助于想象2个基本情况:

  • 该点位于线的左侧. /
  • 点在直线的右边/ .

如果我们的观点是水平射出一条射线,它会在哪里击中线段。我们的点是在它的左边还是右边?里面还是外面?我们知道它的 y 坐标,因为根据定义它与点相同。x坐标是什么?

采取您的传统线路公式y = mx + b。m 是在运行中的上升。在这里,我们试图找到与我们的 point 具有相同高度 (y) 的线段上的点的 x 坐标

所以我们求解 x: x = (y - b)/mm是上升超过运行,所以这变成溢出上升或(yj - yi)/(xj - xi)变为(xj - xi)/(yj - yi)。b 是与原点的偏移量。如果我们假设yi作为我们坐标系的基础,b 就变成了 yi。我们的观点testy是我们的输入,减法yi将整个公式变成一个偏移量yi

我们现在有(xj - xi)/(yj - yi)or1/m时间 y or (testy - yi):(xj - xi)(testy - yi)/(yj - yi)但 testx 不是基于,yi所以我们将它添加回来以便比较两者(或零 testx )

于 2015-09-20T06:38:54.393 回答


于 2012-07-30T06:30:02.163 回答

这是我使用的算法,但我添加了一些预处理技巧来加速它。我的多边形有大约 1000 条边并且它们不会改变,但我需要在每次鼠标移动时查看光标是否在一个内部。


当我需要查找一个点时,我可以计算 - 在 O(1) 时间内 - 它位于哪个区间,然后我只需要测试区间列表中的那些边。

我使用了 256 个间隔,这将我需要测试的边数减少到 2-10 而不是 ~1000。

于 2014-01-01T13:05:22.517 回答

这是一个 php 实现:

class Point2D {

    public $x;
    public $y;

    function __construct($x, $y) {
        $this->x = $x;
        $this->y = $y;

    function x() {
        return $this->x;

    function y() {
        return $this->y;


class Point {

    protected $vertices;

    function __construct($vertices) {

        $this->vertices = $vertices;

    //Determines if the specified point is within the polygon. 
    function pointInPolygon($point) {
        /* @var $point Point2D */
    $poly_vertices = $this->vertices;
    $num_of_vertices = count($poly_vertices);

    $edge_error = 1.192092896e-07;
    $r = false;

    for ($i = 0, $j = $num_of_vertices - 1; $i < $num_of_vertices; $j = $i++) {
        /* @var $current_vertex_i Point2D */
        /* @var $current_vertex_j Point2D */
        $current_vertex_i = $poly_vertices[$i];
        $current_vertex_j = $poly_vertices[$j];

        if (abs($current_vertex_i->y - $current_vertex_j->y) <= $edge_error && abs($current_vertex_j->y - $point->y) <= $edge_error && ($current_vertex_i->x >= $point->x) != ($current_vertex_j->x >= $point->x)) {
            return true;

        if ($current_vertex_i->y > $point->y != $current_vertex_j->y > $point->y) {
            $c = ($current_vertex_j->x - $current_vertex_i->x) * ($point->y - $current_vertex_i->y) / ($current_vertex_j->y - $current_vertex_i->y) + $current_vertex_i->x;

            if (abs($point->x - $c) <= $edge_error) {
                return true;

            if ($point->x < $c) {
                $r = !$r;

    return $r;


        $vertices = array();

        array_push($vertices, new Point2D(120, 40));
        array_push($vertices, new Point2D(260, 40));
        array_push($vertices, new Point2D(45, 170));
        array_push($vertices, new Point2D(335, 170));
        array_push($vertices, new Point2D(120, 300));
        array_push($vertices, new Point2D(260, 300));

        $Point = new Point($vertices);
        $point_to_find = new Point2D(190, 170);
        $isPointInPolygon = $Point->pointInPolygon($point_to_find);
        echo $isPointInPolygon;
于 2015-05-19T02:23:11.263 回答


bool point_in_polygon_check_edge(const vec<double, 2>& v, vec<double, 2> polygon[], int point_count, double edge_error = 1.192092896e-07f)
    const static int x = 0;
    const static int y = 1;
    int i, j;
    bool r = false;
    for (i = 0, j = point_count - 1; i < point_count; j = i++)
        const vec<double, 2>& pi = polygon[i);
        const vec<double, 2>& pj = polygon[j];
        if (fabs(pi[y] - pj[y]) <= edge_error && fabs(pj[y] - v[y]) <= edge_error && (pi[x] >= v[x]) != (pj[x] >= v[x]))
            return true;

        if ((pi[y] > v[y]) != (pj[y] > v[y]))
            double c = (pj[x] - pi[x]) * (v[y] - pi[y]) / (pj[y] - pi[y]) + pi[x];
            if (fabs(v[x] - c) <= edge_error)
                return true;
            if (v[x] < c)
                r = !r;
    return r;
于 2015-01-24T21:30:09.267 回答