2012-07-30 02:02:01.187 MyApp[454:8107] -[MyRegionOverlay pointCount]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x5d7dab0
2012-07-30 02:02:01.190 MyApp[454:8107] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[MyRegionOverlay pointCount]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x5d7dab0'
*** Call stack at first throw:
0 CoreFoundation 0x016c15a9 __exceptionPreprocess + 185
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x01815313 objc_exception_throw + 44
2 CoreFoundation 0x016c30bb -[NSObject(NSObject) doesNotRecognizeSelector:] + 187
3 CoreFoundation 0x01632966 ___forwarding___ + 966
4 CoreFoundation 0x01632522 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 50
5 MapKit 0x008186c4 _ZL20createPathForPolygonP9MKPolygon10MKMapPoint + 55
6 MapKit 0x00818817 -[MKPolygonView createPath] + 95
7 MapKit 0x0081d715 -[MKOverlayPathView drawMapRect:zoomScale:inContext:] + 79
8 MapKit 0x00838328 -[MKOverlayClusterView drawLayer:inContext:] + 1450
9 QuartzCore 0x00472b5e -[CALayer drawInContext:] + 143
10 QuartzCore 0x00489283 _ZL18tiled_layer_renderP16_CAImageProviderjjjjPv + 1648
11 QuartzCore 0x003d1eb2 _ZL21CAImageProviderThreadPjb + 475
12 libSystem.B.dylib 0x91bce781 _pthread_wqthread + 390
13 libSystem.B.dylib 0x91bce5c6 start_wqthread + 30