一直困扰着我并且直到今天仍然存在的事情是,为什么 AS3 中的 Timer 类不能以足够快的速度更新以适应较低的毫秒数?

我似乎记得读过 Flash 能够最多每 20 毫秒向 Timer 推送一次更新(推荐) - 我为最近的游戏创建的计时器每 50 毫秒更新一次,但即使这样也很困难。在本地它工作正常,在在线环境中,它没有。

是不是我在这里做错了什么,或者 Flash 真的不能在在线环境中以足够快的速度更新到秒的小数点后两位?



package src.gameShared {

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.utils.Timer;
import flash.events.TimerEvent;
import src.main;

public class timer extends Sprite {

    private var _updateAmount:int = 50;                     // MUST give a whole number if divided by 1000 and less than 100. Recommended above 20. Gives 25, 40 or 50.
    private var _timer:Timer = new Timer(_updateAmount,0);
    private var _count:int = new int();

    public function startTimer():void{
        _timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, updateText, false, 0, true);

    public function stopTimer():void{
        // Add to score

    private function updateText(e:TimerEvent):void{
        dtf_txt.text = returnTime();

    // The below will display double minutes, double seconds and double milliseconds. Most math is based around the double milliseconds.
    public function returnTime(_score:Boolean = false){
        ** Minutes takes _count and divides it by (1000/50) = 20 (_updateAmount being 50), to give the value of 1 per second. If _count is 20, this has run 20 times and thus 1000 miliseconds have passed
        ** So the int can be set to 1. Minutes then checks to see if there is 60 of them (60 seconds).
        ** Seconds does the same, except it "caps" at 60 before resetting
        var _division:int = (1000/_updateAmount)

        var minutes:int = Math.floor(_count /_division / 60);
        // Second is 1000 miliseconds
        var seconds:int = Math.floor(_count /_division) % 60;
        var milseconds:int = new int();

        /* After how many ticks is it a second. So at 50, 20 ticks would be 100 so 1 second, but _count would only show 20. So we *5 to get 100.
        ** 100 = max num we want, divided by (1000 (1sec) divided by _updateAmount)
        ** 100/(1000/50) = 5. 5*20 (number of ticks at 50milli per sec) = 100 = what we want
        var _getMil:Number = 100/(1000/_updateAmount)   // 5 (20 lots of _updateAmount per second, we want an update on every tick. We do *5 as 20 updates fits into 100 that way)
        // How many updates to fit into 1000 (1 sec), then divide it by 10 as we want a single digit result
        var _getSmallMil:Number = (1000/_updateAmount)/10   // 2 (20 lots of _updateAmount per second, we only want an update every 2nd for the whole number, so we half _count)

        _score == false ? milseconds = Math.floor(_count*_getMil) % 100 : milseconds = Math.floor(_count/_getSmallMil) % 10;
        // Easier to read code that does the same thing but isn't dynamic:
        // _score == false ? milseconds = Math.floor(_count*5) % 100 : milseconds = Math.floor(_count/2) % 10;

        var secString:String = (seconds < 10) ? ("0" + String(seconds)) : String(seconds);
        var minString:String = (minutes < 10) ? ("0" + String(minutes)) : String(minutes);

            var milString:String = String(milseconds);
            if(minutes >= 1){
                var _holder:int = int(secString);
                _holder = _holder + (minutes*60);
                secString = String(_holder);
            return secString+"."+milString;
            var milString:String = (milseconds < 10) ? ("0" + String(milseconds)) : String(milseconds);
            return minString+":"+secString+":"+milString;





3 回答 3



以每秒 60 帧为目标是一个现实的上限。

Flash 弹性赛道上有很多很棒的文章。





于 2012-07-30T01:50:18.800 回答

尝试提高帧率。AS 执行仍然与帧相关联,因此如果帧速率对于 Timer 间隔而言太低,您将遇到粒度问题。

于 2012-07-30T01:25:50.710 回答


private function updateText(e:TimerEvent):void{
       dtf_txt.text = returnTime();

// e.updateAfterEvent(); 
于 2012-07-31T07:32:12.347 回答