我创建了一个规范测试,以验证一些 JSON 解析。尽管测试运行良好,但感觉相当嘈杂。


"twitter json to Scala class mapper" should {
    "parsing a tweet" in {
      TwitterJsonMapper.tweetP(tweetS) match {
        case Right(t: Tweet) => {
          implicit def unOption[T](t: Option[T]): T = t.get
          implicit def unEither[T](t: Either[T,Throwable]): T = t match {case Left(left) => left ;case Right(t) => throw t}
          "test id" in {
            true must_== (t.id.get == 228106060337135617l)
          "test id_str" in {
            true must_== (t.id_str.get == "228106060337135617")
          "test time" in {
            true must_== (t.created_at.getHours == 13 )
        case Left((pe: JsonParseException, reason: String)) => fail(reason + "\n" + pe)

 //The Tweet is produced from JSON using Fasterxml's Jackson-Scala library. 
 //I want to use Option or Either monads over all child attributes - for the usual reasons.
case class Tweet(
  @BeanProperty contributors: Option[String],
  @BeanProperty coordinates: Option[String],

  @BeanProperty @JsonDeserialize (
      using = classOf[TwitterDateDeserializer]
  ) created_at: Either[Date,Throwable],
  @BeanProperty favorited: Boolean = false,
  //elided etc etc
  @BeanProperty id_str: Option[String]

2 回答 2


和 确实有一些特定的匹配OptionEither

t.id must beSome(228106060337135617l)
t.id_str must beSome("228106060337135617")
t.created_at.left.map(_.getHours) must beLeft(13)
于 2012-07-29T23:25:41.113 回答

我还没有发现这是必要的。请记住,Option/Either 具有相等的值。只需匹配 Option/Either 而不是匹配它们包含的值。

      "Option should match other options" >> {
        Some(21) must be equalTo Some(21)

      "Either should match Either" >> {
        Right("Some string") must be equalTo Right("Some string")


      t.id must be equalTo Some(228106060337135617l)
      t.id_str must be equalTo Some("228106060337135617")
      t.created_at.left.map(_.getHours) must be equalTo Left(13)
于 2012-07-29T23:09:04.277 回答