尝试将大型但线性的 svn 存储库迁移到 git。svn 存储库没有标准布局(主干、分支、标签)……只有一个带有主干的目录。
Ubuntu 12.4 LTS,git。
$ git svn clone https://coawstmodel.sourcerepo.com/coawstmodel/COAWST --authors-file=../users.txt COAWST
D WPS/metgrid/storage_module.F
D WPS/metgrid/process_domain_module.F
W: -empty_dir: WPS/metgrid/gridinfo_module.F
W: -empty_dir: WPS/metgrid/input_module.F
W: -empty_dir: WPS/metgrid/interp_option_module.F
W: -empty_dir: WPS/metgrid/module_date_pack.F
W: -empty_dir: WPS/metgrid/process_domain_module.F
W: -empty_dir: WPS/metgrid/storage_module.F
r635 = c19181c9718e701788b540ed0cc559e4fbddf413 (refs/remotes/git-svn)
M Tools/Docs/COAWST_User_Manual.doc
r636 = 1b7849c3e5a20856c9ddb909a5f53ddf8501ad33 (refs/remotes/git-svn)
Auto packing the repository for optimum performance. You may also
run "git gc" manually. See "git help gc" for more information.
Counting objects: 14143, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (14039/14039), done.
Writing objects: 100% (14143/14143), done.
Total 14143 (delta 8350), reused 0 (delta 0)
fatal: refs/remotes/trunk: not a valid SHA1
update-ref refs/heads/master refs/remotes/trunk: command returned error: 128
我尝试过使用 -s、-t Trunk、-t COAWST、--preserve-empty-dirs(我想做)、--no-meta-data(每个 Pro Git)组合的变体......总是同样的最终错误。