This bundle of errors is caused by one function, and none of these errors are valid
error C2059: syntax error : '=' error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '{' error C2181: illegal else without matching if error C2660: 'Lexicon::convertOntology' : function does not take 0 arguments
string Lexicon::convertOntology(string input, int d, string out, string temp) // C2059; C2143
if (in.length() == 0 && temp.length() == 0) {return out; //check for completed conversion //C2181
} else {
int r = 1;
if (d == 1) r = 0;
if (in[0] == '.' || in[0] == '-' || in == "") { //found deliminator or end //C2059; C2143
return convertOntology(in.substr(1), d, out+=vectorSearch(list, temp, 0, d, r), ""); //convert and check // C2143; C2660
} else return convertOntology(in.substr(1), d, out, temp); //increment and check
I did not place all the errors, they are repeated 14 times - it seems clear that these are not errors but is an issue with the compiler parsing the text; there is something upstream from this that is unmatched. I checked the previous function and checked the lines prior to where this function is called and found nothing.
How do I resolve these errors?