我是 ANTLR 的业余爱好者,我正在为一个简单的处理器创建一个解释器,我遇到了一个 VALUE 令牌抛出错误的小问题。我是一名学生,所以我不是要你为我做作业......我已经完成了它(包括口译员的所有课程文件)但是这个问题正在打败我,即使它可能很简单并盯着我的脸。

ANTLR works 不断给我这个控制台错误信息;


显然,VALUE 的正则表达式有问题,但我看不到它是什么,无论是那里还是语法中的其他任何地方。如果您能指出我遗漏的内容,将不胜感激……因为谷歌搜索并没有真正帮助我找到自己语法中的错误。

grammar newExpr;


    import java.util.*;

    ArrayList myInitialise = new ArrayList();
    ArrayList InstructionList = new ArrayList();

 * PARSER RULES                                                                                                                   *

* prog is where the interpretation beings and consists of one or more (+) 'stat' rules
prog        :       stat+;

* stat rules are the general parse rules of entire operations on the processor.
* They consist of smaller data operations rules (dataop) or memory operations (memop).
stat        :       BASIC r1=REG c1=COMMA r2=REG c2=COMMA dataop NEWLINE
                int reg1 = Integer.parseInt($r1.text.substring(1));  // these lines convert the token input stream and converts to an actual integer
                int reg2 = Integer.parseInt($r2.text.substring(1)); 
                int IMDT = $dataop.value;    // take the immediate integer

                // LOAD operation
                InstructionList.add(new ld(reg1, reg2, IMDT));

                // STORE operation  
                else if($BASIC.text.equals("ST"))
                InstructionList.add(new st(reg1, reg2, IMDT));

                // SUBTRACTION operation    
                else if($BASIC.text.equals("SUB"))
                InstructionList.add(new sub(reg1, reg2, IMDT));

                // ADDITION operation   
                else if($BASIC.text.equals("ADD"))
                InstructionList.add(new add(reg1, reg2, IMDT));

                // MULTIPLICATION operation 
                else if($BASIC.text.equals("MUL"))
                InstructionList.add(new mul(reg1, reg2, IMDT));

                // DIVISION operation   
                else if($BASIC.text.equals("DIV"))
                InstructionList.add(new div(reg1, reg2, IMDT));


            i1 = INDEX '=' memop NEWLINE
                myInitialise.add(new memInit(Integer.parseInt($i1.text), $dataop.value));


            JUMP REG COMMA dataop NEWLINE
                int R = Integer.parseInt($REG.text.substring(1));
                int val = $dataop.value;

                // BRANCH EQUAL operation
                InstructionList.add(new branchEqualZero(R,value));

                // BRANCH NOT EQUAL operation
                else if($JUMP.text.equals("BNEZ"))
                InstructionList.add(new branchNotEqualZero(R,value));


            JUMP REG NEWLINE
                int R = Integer.parseInt($REG.text.substring(1));
                InstructionList.add(new jump(R));


                InstructionList.add(new halt());

dataop returns [int value] 

        :   INDEX
                $value = Integer.parseInt($INDEX.text);


                $value = Integer.parseInt($VALUE.text.substring(1))*-1;

memop returns [int value]

        :   INDEX
                $value = Integer.parseInt($INDEX.text);


                $value = Integer.parseInt($VALUE.text.substring(1))*-1;


                    $value = Integer.parseInt($MEMVAL.text.substring(1))*-1;
                    $value = Integer.parseInt($MEMVAL.text);

 * LEXER RULES                                                                                                                    *

* RegExps for BASIC instructions (load, store, add, subtract, multiply, divide
BASIC       :   ('L' 'D') | ('S' 'T') | ('A' 'D' 'D') | ('S' 'U' 'B') | ('M' 'U' 'L') | ('D' 'I' 'V');

* The comma is simply for syntactic purposes, to separate data and register references
COMMA       :   ',';

* Regular Expressions for the processor registers R0-R31
REG         :   ('R') (('0'..'9') | ('0'..'2') ('0'..'9') | ('3') ('0'..'1') );

* 'Index' is the set of regular expressions matching memory locations
INDEX       :       ('0'..'9')                    
            ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
            ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
            ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
            ('0'..'5') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
            ('6') ('0'..'4') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
            ('6') ('5') ('0'..'4') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
            ('6') ('5') ('5') ('0'..'2') ('0'..'9')
            ('6') ('5') ('5') ('3') ('0'..'5');

* Reg Exps for memory initialisation instructions
MEMVAL      :   ('0'..'9')+ | '-' ('0'..'9')+;            

* Simple integers for data values
VALUE       :   '-' (('0'..'9')         **PROBLEM IS HERE**
            ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
            ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
            ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
            ('0'..'5') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
            ('6') ('0'..'4') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
            ('6') ('5') ('0'..'4') ('0'..'9') ('0'..'9')
            ('6') ('5') ('5') ('0'..'2') ('0'..'9')
            ('6') ('5') ('5') ('3') ('0'..'6'));

* Regular Expressions for return/newline characters
NEWLINE     :   '\r'? '\n' ;

* This simply makes the interpreter tolerant to whitespace
WHITESPACE      :   (' ' | '\t' | '\u000C')+ {skip();};

* RegExp for Branch on Equal to Zero/Branch on Not Equal to Zero instructions
BRANCH      :   ('B' 'E' 'Z') | ('B' 'N' 'E' 'Z');

* RegExp for jump instruction
JUMP        :   ('J' 'R');

* The HALT instruction ends the program and executes all instructions
* in the Instruction List on the data/values that have been entered
HALT        :   ('H' 'A' 'L' 'T');

1 回答 1


ANTLR 生成的词法分析器是这样工作的:它尝试尽可能多地匹配,当两个(或更多)规则匹配相同数量的字符时,首先定义的规则将“获胜”。因此,您的VALUE规则永远不会从MEMVAL规则中“获胜”,因为匹配的所有VALUE内容也匹配MEMVAL's: '-' ('0'..'9')+




于 2012-07-25T18:12:44.653 回答