我正在编写自己的中点位移算法以用于学习目的,我决定以自己的方式实现它,看看我是否 1)能够理解该算法,以及 2)看看我是否可以根据自己的喜好对其进行修改。


 public void Generate(Double rg, int size)
        Random rand = new Random();
        int min = -127;
        int max = 128;

        // Starting points of the rectangle
        MDP_Point s1 = new MDP_Point(0, 0, rand.Next(min, max));
        MDP_Point s2 = new MDP_Point(size, 0, rand.Next(min, max));
        MDP_Point s3 = new MDP_Point(size, size, rand.Next(min, max));
        MDP_Point s4 = new MDP_Point(0, size, rand.Next(min, max));

        // Lists containing the rectangles
        List<MDP_Rect> newRect = new List<MDP_Rect>();  // Newly created rectangles
        List<MDP_Rect> oldRect = new List<MDP_Rect>();  // Rectangles being divided

        // Starting rectangle is added to the list
        oldRect.Add(new MDP_Rect(s1, s2, s3, s4));

        // Distance between 2 points in a rectangle
        int h = size;

        while (h > 1)
            foreach (MDP_Rect r in oldRect)
                // Middle points of rectangle segments
                MDP_Point m1 = new MDP_Point();
                MDP_Point m2 = new MDP_Point();
                MDP_Point m3 = new MDP_Point();
                MDP_Point m4 = new MDP_Point();
                // Middle point of rectangle
                MDP_Point mm = new MDP_Point();

                m1.x = (r.C1.x + r.C2.x) / 2;
                m1.y = (r.C1.y + r.C2.y) / 2;
                m1.z = ((r.C1.z + r.C2.z) / 2) +(rand.Next(min, max) * rg);

                m2.x = (r.C2.x + r.C3.x) / 2;
                m2.y = (r.C2.y + r.C3.y) / 2;
                m2.z = ((r.C2.z + r.C3.z) / 2) +(rand.Next(min, max) * rg);

                m3.x = (r.C3.x + r.C4.x) / 2;
                m3.y = (r.C3.y + r.C4.y) / 2;
                m3.z = ((r.C3.z + r.C4.z) / 2) +(rand.Next(min, max) * rg);

                m4.x = (r.C1.x + r.C4.x) / 2;
                m4.y = (r.C1.y + r.C4.y) / 2;
                m4.z = ((r.C1.z + r.C4.z) / 2) + (rand.Next(min, max) * rg);

                mm.x = (r.C1.x + r.C2.x + r.C3.x + r.C4.x) / 4;
                mm.y = (r.C1.y + r.C2.y + r.C3.y + r.C4.y) / 4;
                mm.z = ((r.C1.z + r.C2.z + r.C3.z + r.C4.z) / 4) + (rand.Next(min, max) * rg);

                newRect.Add(new MDP_Rect(r.C1, m1, mm, m4));
                newRect.Add(new MDP_Rect(m1, r.C2, m2, mm));
                newRect.Add(new MDP_Rect(mm, m2, r.C3, m3));
                newRect.Add(new MDP_Rect(m4, mm, m3, r.C4));

            oldRect = new List<MDP_Rect>(newRect);
            h /= 2;

        List<MDP_Rect> sorted = new List<MDP_Rect>();
        sorted = oldRect.OrderBy(y => y.C1.y).ThenBy(x => x.C1.x).ToList();

        List<MDP_Point> mapArray = new List<MDP_Point>();

        CreateImage(size, mapArray, rg);

MDP_Point 仅包含 x、y 和 z 值 MDP_Rectangle 包含 4 个点,创建一个矩形

CreateArray() 方法仅采用有序的矩形列表,并以正确的顺序输出和点列表来创建图像。


        private List<MDP_Point> CreateArray(List<MDP_Rect> lRect)
        List<MDP_Point> p = new List<MDP_Point>();

        int size = (int)Math.Sqrt(lRect.Count);

        int i = 0;
        foreach (MDP_Rect r in lRect)
            p.Add(new MDP_Point((int)r.C1.x, (int)r.C1.y, (int)r.C1.z));

            if (i > 0 && i % size == size - 1)
                p.Add(new MDP_Point((int)r.C2.x, (int)r.C2.y, (int)r.C2.z));


        for (int a = 0; a < size; a++)
            p.Add(new MDP_Point((int)lRect[(size * size - size) + a].C4.x,
                (int)lRect[(size * size - size) + a].C4.y,
                (int)lRect[(size * size - size) + a].C4.z));

            if (a > 0 && a % size == size - 1)
                p.Add(new MDP_Point((int)lRect[(size * size - size) + a].C3.x,
                    (int)lRect[(size * size - size) + a].C3.y,
                    (int)lRect[(size * size - size) + a].C3.z));

        return p;


        private void CreateImage(int size, List<MDP_Point> arr, double roughness)
        Bitmap map = new Bitmap(size, size);

        int ver = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < map.Height; i++)
            for (int n = 0; n < map.Width; n++ )
                int h = (int)arr[ver].z + 127;
                if (h < 0)
                    h = 0;
                else if (h > 255)
                    h = 255 ;
                Color c = Color.FromArgb(h, h, h);

                //map.SetPixel(n, i, c);
                map.SetPixel(i, n, c);

        Bitmap m = new Bitmap(map);
        bool saved = true;
        int num = 0;

        while (saved)
            if (File.Exists("map_S" + size + "_R" + roughness + "_" + num + ".png"))
                m.Save("map_S" + size + "_R" + roughness + "_" + num + ".png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                saved = false;


低于 0 的任何值都设置为 0,高于 255 的任何值都设置为 255 的事实可能是一个大问题......不知道该怎么做。

这是代码生成的图像:尺寸:1024 粗糙度:0.5





2 回答 2


在这里,我认为部分问题是您h使用 255 和 0 破解了变量。我尝试使用以下代码:

int h = (int) arr[ver].z;
if (h < 0)
    h = Math.Abs(h);
while(h > 255)
    h -= 255;

在我的电脑上,结果是: 拿 1


int h = (int) arr[ver].z + 127;

拿 2


于 2012-07-25T05:12:52.580 回答

为了避免这些伪影,您应该使用 Peitgen 等人提出的两阶段方法。在“分形图像的科学”中。他们还建议在每个细分步骤之后向所有顶点添加额外的随机位移。我在这里找到了扫描的摘录(第 45 页):


于 2012-07-30T12:13:41.170 回答