I am constructing an app that collects data from different domains via JSONP. These sites are secured via OpenId. Once I have previously logged in to those sites and my client has the OpenId cookie, both Firefox and Chrome will see me as authenticated and send me my data.

IE 9, however does not see me as authenticated and sends the login page back instead of the data.

Is there anything I can do, any special mode of IE I can use, to allow IE to pass back that token with the JSONP request?


1 回答 1


IE 不允许 3rd 方 cookie,除非服务器在标头中设置了隐私策略。

我已经将 KitGUI 构建为第 3 方可注射 CMS,我必须克服这个问题。我在服务器标头中使用命名项目 P3P,其值为 CP="CURa ADMa DEVa OUR DSP OTI COR"。


于 2012-07-24T22:08:38.857 回答