context "Visiting the users #index page." do
before(:each) { visit users_path }
subject { page }
pending('iii') { should have_no_css('table#users') }
pending { should have content('You have reached this page due to a permiss
离子错误') }
Managing Users Given a practitioner logged in. Visiting the users #index page.
# No reason given
# ./spec/requests/role_users_spec.rb:78
Managing Users Given a practitioner logged in. Visiting the users #index page.
# No reason given
# ./spec/requests/role_users_spec.rb:79
我已经尝试在单词pending 之后和块之前放置一些文本,但这没有帮助 - 它出现在行尾 - 但我仍然有所有“没有给出理由”。