I have a Spring maven project and we are going to use JMock to test service/business/DAO layers of my project as suggested by client.
Can somebody please provide me the good link going through which I can understand and implement it? Also I have heard of other mocking frameworks like Mockito or EasyMock. Is JMock better than those? or Which one is better to use even? This is just for knowledge sake as I will be using JMock only since it is suggested by the client


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这个问题也发布到 coderanch.com。从那里复制/粘贴我的答案。



所有三个模拟框架都很好。目前,Mockito 更先进一些。尽管如此,所有三个框架仍在增强。jMock 的下一个版本迎头赶上。

于 2012-07-22T14:42:16.337 回答