我正在学习汇编,并开始在 Digital-Mars C++ 编译器(英特尔 sytanx 更易于阅读)中对 SSE 和 MMX 寄存器进行实验。我已经完成了一个将 var_1 作为值并将其转换为 var_2 数字系统的程序(现在是 8 位。稍后将其扩展为 32 64 128)。程序通过两种方式做到这一点:

  1. __asm内联

  2. %(modulo) 运算符的常用 C++ 方式。

问题:你能告诉我更有效的使用 xmm0-7 和 mm0-7 寄存器的方法吗?你能告诉我如何用 al,ah... 8 位寄存器交换它们的确切字节吗?

与我的计算机(pentium-m centrino 2.0GHz)上的 __asm 相比,C++ 通常方式中的常用 %(modulo) 运算符非常慢。如果你能告诉我如何摆脱 __asmm 中的除法指令,它会更快。


(for the values: var_1=17,var_2=2,all loops are 200M times)

17 is 10001 in number system 2
__asm(clock)...........: 7250    <------too bad. it is 8-bit calc.
C++(clock).............: 12250   <------not very slow(var_2 is a power of 2)

(for the values: var_1=33,var_2=7,all loops are 200M times)
33 is 45 in number system 7
 __asm(clock)..........: 2875   <-------not good. it is 8-bit calc.
 C++(clock)............: 6328   <----------------really slow(var_2 is not a power of 2)

第二个 C++ 代码(带有 % 运算符的那个):///////////////////////////////// //////////////////

t1=clock();//reference time
for(int i=0;i<200000000;i++)


t2=clock();//final time

_asm 代码:​​/////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// ///////////

     __asm  // i love assembly in some parts of C++

        pushf   //here does register backup
        push eax
        push ebx
        push ecx
        push edx
        push edi

            mov eax,0h      //this will be outer loop counter init to zero
            //init of medium-big registers to zero
            movd xmm0,eax    //cannot set to immediate constant: xmm0=outer loop counter 
            shufps xmm0,xmm0,0h //this makes all bits zero
            movd xmm1,eax
            movd xmm2,eax   
            shufps xmm1,xmm1,0h
            shufps xmm2,xmm2,0h
            movd xmm2,eax 
            shufps xmm3,xmm3,0h//could have made pxor xmm3,xmm3(single instruction)
            //init complete(xmm0,xmm1,xmm2,xmm3 are zero)

            movd xmm1,[var_1] //storing variable_1 to register
            movd xmm2,[var_2] //storing var_2 to register    
            lea ebx,var_3     //calculate var_3 address
            movd xmm3,ebx     //storing var_3's address to register
            mov eax,0h      
            //this line is index-init to zero(digit array index)
            movd edx,xmm2
            mov cl,dl       //this is the var_1 stored in cl
            movd edx,xmm1
            mov al,dl       //this is the var_2 stored in al
            mov edx,0h
                mov ah,00h      //preparation for a 8-bit division
                div cl          //divide

                movd ebx,xmm3   //get var_3 address
                add ebx,edx     //i couldnt find a way to multiply with 4
                add ebx,edx     //so i added 4 times ^^
                add ebx,edx     //add   
                add ebx,edx     //last adding
                //below, mov [ebx],ah is the only memory accessing instruction
                mov [ebx],ah    //(8 bit)this line is equivalent to var_3[i]=remainder

                inc edx         //i++;
                cmp al,00h      //is division zero?
            jne dng             //if no, loop again

            //here edi register has the number of digits

            movd eax,xmm0       //get the outer loop counter from medium-big register
            add eax,01h         //j++;
            movd xmm0,eax       //store the new counter to medium-big register
            cmp eax,0BEBC200h           //is j<(200,000,000) ?
            jb for_loop     //if yes, go loop again
            mov [var_3_size],edx //now we have number of digits too!
         //here does registers revert back to old values
        pop edi
        pop edx
        pop ecx
        pop ebx
        pop eax


整个代码:////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////

#include <iostream.h>
#include <cmath>
int main()


    clock_t t1=clock();
    clock_t t2=clock();

    int var_1=17;  //number itself
    int var_2=2;   //number system
    int var_3[100];  //digits to be showed(maximum 100 as seen )
    int var_3_size=0;//asm block will decide what will the number of  digits be

    for(int i=0;i<100;i++)
    var_3[i]=0; //here we initialize digits to zeroes

    t1=clock();//reference time to take
     __asm  // i love assembly in some parts of C++

        pushf   //here does register backup
        push eax
        push ebx
        push ecx
        push edx
        push edi

            mov eax,0h      //this will be outer loop counter init to zero
            //init of medium-big registers to zero
            movd xmm0,eax    //cannot set to immediate constant: xmm0=outer loop counter 
            shufps xmm0,xmm0,0h //this makes all bits zero
            movd xmm1,eax
            movd xmm2,eax   
            shufps xmm1,xmm1,0h
            shufps xmm2,xmm2,0h
            movd xmm2,eax 
            shufps xmm3,xmm3,0h
            //init complete(xmm0,xmm1,xmm2,xmm3 are zero)

            movd xmm1,[var_1] //storing variable_1 to register
            movd xmm2,[var_2] //storing var_2 to register    
            lea ebx,var_3     //calculate var_3 address
            movd xmm3,ebx     //storing var_3's address to register
            mov eax,0h      
            //this line is index-init to zero(digit array index)
            movd edx,xmm2
            mov cl,dl       //this is the var_1 stored in cl
            movd edx,xmm1
            mov al,dl       //this is the var_2 stored in al
            mov edx,0h
                mov ah,00h      //preparation for a 8-bit division
                div cl          //divide

                movd ebx,xmm3   //get var_3 address
                add ebx,edx     //i couldnt find a way to multiply with 4
                add ebx,edx     //so i added 4 times ^^
                add ebx,edx     //add   
                add ebx,edx     //last adding
                //below, mov [ebx],ah is the only memory accessing instruction
                mov [ebx],ah    //(8 bit)this line is equivalent to var_3[i]=remainder

                inc edx         //i++;
                cmp al,00h      //is division zero?
            jne dng             //if no, loop again

            //here edi register has the number of digits

            movd eax,xmm0       //get the outer loop counter from medium-big register
            add eax,01h         //j++;
            movd xmm0,eax       //store the new counter to medium-big register
            cmp eax,0BEBC200h           //is j<(200,000,000) ?
            jb for_loop     //if yes, go loop again
            mov [var_3_size],edx //now we have number of digits too!
         //here does registers revert back to old values
        pop edi
        pop edx
        pop ecx
        pop ebx
        pop eax

    t2=clock(); //finish time
    printf("\n assembly_inline(clocks): %i  for the 200 million calculations",(t2-t1)); 

        printf("\n value %i(in decimal) is: ",var_1);
for(int i=var_3_size-1;i>=0;i--)
printf(" in the number system: %i \n",var_2);

//and: more readable form(end easier)
    int counter=var_3_size;
    int x=var_1;
    int g=var_2;
    int y=x;// backup
t1=clock();//reference time

for(int i=0;i<200000000;i++)



t2=clock();//final time
printf("\n C++(clocks): %i  for the 200 million calculations",(t2-t1)); 

printf("\n value %i(in decimal) is: ",x);
for(int i=var_3_size-1;i>=0;i--)
printf(" in the number system: %i \n",g);
return 0;


编辑:这是 32 位版本

    void get_digits_asm()

        pushf       //couldnt store this in other registers 
        movd xmm0,eax//storing in xmm registers instead of pushing
        movd xmm1,ebx//
        movd xmm2,ecx//
        movd xmm3,edx//
        movd xmm4,edi//end of push backups

        mov eax,[variable_x]
        mov ebx,[number_system]
        mov ecx,0h
        mov edi,0h

        mov edx,0h
        div ebx             
        lea edi,digits  
        mov [edi+ecx*4],edx
        add ecx,01h
        cmp eax,ebx
        ja begin_loop

        mov edx,0
        div ebx
        lea edi,digits
        mov [edi+ecx*4],edx
        inc ecx
        mov [digits_total],ecx

        movd edi,xmm4//pop edi
        movd edx,xmm3//pop edx
        movd ecx,xmm2//pop ecx
        movd ebx,xmm1//pop ebx
        movd eax,xmm0//pop eax


1 回答 1



  mov esi,200000000
  mov eax,[y]
  mov ebx,[g]
  lea edi,var_3
  ; eax = y
  ; ebx = g
  ; edi = var_3
  xor ecx,ecx
  ; ecx = counter
  xor edx,edx
  div ebx
  mov [edi+ecx*4],edx
  add ecx,1
  test eax,eax
  jnz _loop
  sub esi,1
  jnz _bigloop

但是如果它比 C++ 版本更快,我会感到惊讶,事实上,如果基数是 2 的幂,它几乎肯定会更慢 - 所有理智的编译器都知道如何将除法和/或模数转换为两个成位移位和按位与。

这是一个使用 ab 8 位除法的版本。类似的警告适用,但现在除法甚至可能溢出(如果y / g超过 255)。

  mov esi,200000000
  mov eax,[y]
  mov ebx,[g]
  lea edi,var_3
  ; eax = y
  ; ebx = g
  ; edi = var_3
  xor ecx,ecx
  ; ecx = counter
  div bl
  mov [edi+ecx],ah
  add ecx,1
  and eax,0xFF
  jnz _loop
  sub esi,1
  jnz _bigloop
于 2012-07-20T13:18:48.763 回答