This is really really a weird case .. I have an application which is works perfectly with my devices , we have tested it many times .. so after apple review and approved it , it has been published on apple store .. I download the version on apple store and its performing different to the one I have on my code .. i will describe it through screen shot , We'v built a custom control with a dragging ball when you drag it a menu with buttons will appear like this pic

enter image description here

But the disaster is when I download the app from apple store is performing like this

enter image description here

So As you can see the ball is not in the correct position beside that the menu is disappearing some times .. Im really sure that the code I'v upload it to the iTunes is EXACTLY same the one I'm testing on my devices (svn history log also can prove that to me) .. please notice that my app have been approved today I don't know if it has any relation with that problem.

Please I need your help !!

Note : this is happened on both iPhone and iPad and in all iOS versions.


2 回答 2


一个鲜为人知的事实是,您可以在设备上安装 App Store builds *。我刚刚在 iOS 5.1 上对此进行了测试,以确保它仍然有效。只需解压缩您上传的 .zip 并将 MyApp.app 拖到 Xcode 管理器中的应用程序列表中。

唯一的要求是您在设备上安装了“匹配”配置文件。我还没有计算出匹配的配置文件,但如果除了配置文件名称**、设备列表和 App Store/Ad Hoc 设置之外的所有内容都相同,它应该可以工作。

(大概这旨在让您将设备添加到配置文件并安装应用程序而无需重新构建/重新签名它。App Store 配置文件只是一个没有 UDID 列表的 Ad Hoc 配置文件。)

或者,您可以重新签署构建,codesign -f --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements,resource-rules,requirements假设配置文件非常相似,以至于它们可以使用相同的权利。

*embedded.mobileprovision文件是“App Store”个人资料的人。
**我通常使用“MyApp AppStore”和“MyApp AdHoc”,但贵公司可能有不同的约定。

于 2012-07-20T18:56:41.360 回答

正如@Brad Larson 所说:我发现问题是在我将应用程序归档到 xcode 时发生的。我只是再次归档并上传它,现在一切正常,无需更改代码中的任何内容!

于 2012-09-13T11:07:32.890 回答