每个周期的第一个数字如下:1, 9, 25
这是一个二次序列:first(n) = (2n-1)^2 = 4n^2 - 4n + 1
与此相反的是循环数:cycle(i) = floor((sqrt(i) + 1) / 2)
一个周期的长度是:length(n) = first(n+1) - first(n) = 8n
sector(i) = floor(4 * (i - first(cycle(i))) / length(cycle(i)))
def first(cycle):
x = 2 * cycle - 1
return x * x
def cycle(index):
return (isqrt(index) + 1)//2
def length(cycle):
return 8 * cycle
def sector(index):
c = cycle(index)
offset = index - first(c)
n = length(c)
return 4 * offset / n
def position(index):
c = cycle(index)
s = sector(index)
offset = index - first(c) - s * length(c) // 4
if s == 0: #north
return -c, -c + offset + 1
if s == 1: #east
return -c + offset + 1, c
if s == 2: #south
return c, c - offset - 1
# else, west
return c - offset - 1, -c
def isqrt(x):
"""Calculates the integer square root of a number"""
if x < 0:
raise ValueError('square root not defined for negative numbers')
n = int(x)
if n == 0:
return 0
a, b = divmod(n.bit_length(), 2)
x = 2**(a+b)
while True:
y = (x + n//x)//2
if y >= x:
return x
x = y
>>> position(9)
(-2, -1)
>>> position(4)
(1, 1)
>>> position(123456)
(-176, 80)