我正在尝试声明两个数组,一个 2D 和一个 1D。我知道尺寸需要是 const 值。所以 const 值是从函数调用的返回值中分配的。这很顺利,但是当我使用派生值声明数组时,编译错误!为什么???
int populateMatrixFromFile(string fname) {
std::ifstream fileIn;
int s = determineDimensions(fname); // return value (CONST INT)
const int size = s; // assign to const
cout << "Value returned from determineDimensions(): " << size << endl;
if (size > 10){
cout << "Maximum dimensions for array is 10 rows and 10 columns. Exiting" << endl;
return 1;
fileIn.open(fname.c_str(), ios::in); //opened for reading only.
float aMatrix[size][size]; // ERROR
float bMatrix[size]; // ERROR
// assign the pth row of aMatrix to temp
const int alen = sizeof (aMatrix[p]) / sizeof (float);
float temp[alen]; // WORKS!!!
for (size_t i = 0; i < alen; i++) {
temp[i] = aMatrix[p][i];