@property (nonatomic, assign) PPRevealSideOptions options;
enum {
PPRevealSideOptionsNone = 0,
PPRevealSideOptionsShowShadows = 2 << 1, /// Disable or enable the shadows. Enabled by default
PPRevealSideOptionsBounceAnimations = 1 << 2, /// Decide if the animations are boucing or not. By default, they are
PPRevealSideOptionsCloseCompletlyBeforeOpeningNewDirection = 1 << 3, /// Decide if we close completely the old direction, for the new one or not. Set to YES by default
PPRevealSideOptionsKeepOffsetOnRotation = 1 << 4, /// Keep the same offset when rotating. By default, set to no
PPRevealSideOptionsResizeSideView = 1 << 5, /// Resize the side view. If set to yes, this disabled the bouncing stuff since the view behind is not large enough to show bouncing correctly. Set to NO by default
typedef NSUInteger PPRevealSideOptions;