
我正在为我的公司做一个项目。我正在使用 DSL 连接。每次重新启动路由器时,我的 IP 地址都会更改。是否有更快的方式以编程方式从我的 ISP 请求新 IP?我已经看到 RDSL 服务可以在几秒钟内更改 IP,但我正在寻找一种比 RDSL 更“合法”的方式来做到这一点。谢谢!


1 回答 1


Does your router have firmware you can browse to? There may be a link to reboot your router (or even release/renew your IP lease) there. You can set up a cron job to call cURL to access that URL every so often. You might also have to authenticate in order to do that, but cURL should handle that.

If you're on a system that does not have cURL or cron, you may have equivalents, but they're pretty simple programs and you should be able to find them for any popular OS.

于 2012-07-15T13:04:03.177 回答