我刚开始编写一个应用程序,我的想法是创建类似 StreamMyGame 但供个人使用的东西,已经有一个名为 Single Player Game Transmiter 的项目可以实现其中的一些(http://sourceforge.net/projects/spgt/files/ )。







视频播放器捕获 (960x720p)

starting benchmark
looking for window: test.mp4
looking for window: test.mp4
looking for window: test.mp4
looking for window: test.mp4
looking for window: test.mp4
starting single thread capture only test

Time Elapsed: 19480 milliseconds
Frame Time: 32 milliseconds
Rough FPS: 30
Sleeping 2 seconds

starting single thread capture and save as bmp test

Time Elapsed: 19768 milliseconds
Frame Time: 32 milliseconds
Rough FPS: 30
Sleeping 2 seconds

starting single thread capture and save as jpg test

Time Elapsed: 28593 milliseconds
Frame Time: 47 milliseconds
Rough FPS: 20
Sleeping 2 seconds

starting dual thread capture only test

Time Elapsed: 19515 milliseconds
Frame Time: 32 milliseconds
Rough FPS: 30
Sleeping 2 seconds

starting quad thread capture only test

Time Elapsed: 19481 milliseconds
Frame Time: 32 milliseconds
Rough FPS: 30
Sleeping 2 seconds

孤岛危机 2 捕获 (1024x768p)

starting benchmark
looking for window: Crysis 2 (TM)
looking for window: Crysis 2 (TM)
looking for window: Crysis 2 (TM)
looking for window: Crysis 2 (TM)
looking for window: Crysis 2 (TM)
looking for window: Crysis 2 (TM)
looking for window: Crysis 2 (TM)
starting single thread capture only test

Time Elapsed: 20003 milliseconds
Frame Time: 33 milliseconds
Rough FPS: 29
Sleeping 2 seconds

starting single thread capture and save as bmp test

Time Elapsed: 20105 milliseconds
Frame Time: 33 milliseconds
Rough FPS: 29
Sleeping 2 seconds

starting single thread capture and save as jpg test

Time Elapsed: 17353 milliseconds
Frame Time: 28 milliseconds
Rough FPS: 34
Sleeping 2 seconds

starting dual thread capture only test

Time Elapsed: 19991 milliseconds
Frame Time: 33 milliseconds
Rough FPS: 30
Sleeping 2 seconds

starting quad thread capture only test

Time Elapsed: 19983 milliseconds
Frame Time: 33 milliseconds
Rough FPS: 30
Sleeping 2 seconds

将图像保存到 BMP 并不会真正增加任何开销,但保存为 JPG 确实让我了解了视频编码可能具有的开销。仍然最大的问题是获取帧本身,它现在太慢了,无法跟上,因此丢失了一些帧。如果可以以 60+ fps 的速度捕获帧,那么对于单人游戏来说,编码 + 流媒体延迟确实是可以管理的。

我将尝试使用 DX 钩子方法来获取帧。


2 回答 2




我想您可以尝试使用FindWindow函数而不是GetForegroundWindow应用程序中使用的函数。它允许您通过标题获取窗口的句柄。为了做到这一点(在您发布链接的 desktop_streamer 项目中),请转到ScreenCapture课程并:

  • 改变

    private static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();

    [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
    private static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName);
  • Capture方法中更改行

    var foregroundWindowsHandle = GetForegroundWindow();

    var foregroundWindowsHandle = FindWindow(null, "mywindowName");


有关FindWindow功能的更多信息,请查看此处:http ://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/user32.findwindow 。



您可能还想查看此页面,其中提供了两种屏幕捕获方法的一些性能比较:http: //blog.bobcravens.com/2009/04/fastest-screen-capture-using-c-vista-vs -win7/。它可以帮助您提高屏幕捕获过程的性能,但正如您所见,实现的帧速率仍然太低,无法提供高质量的游戏体验。

于 2012-07-14T09:14:34.070 回答

最近,我构建了一个名为 ScreenStreamer 的 golang 项目,它是一个将当前活动窗口(Linux 或 Windows)流式传输到其他设备(如手机或另一台 PC)的工具,如 MJPEG,它非常实时(延迟 < 100ms)

项目链接:https ://github.com/fiefdx/ScreenStreamer

于 2016-11-14T05:32:22.380 回答