在 Rails 咖啡脚本中,我有这个点击处理程序:

addProductToCartHandler = ()->

            type: 'POST',
            url: '/line_items.json'
            data: {product_id:product_id}

            success: (data)->
                $('#carts_explanation').effect("pulsate",{times:2}, 200)

            error: ()->

     return false

此脚本通过 $.ajax 调用以下操作:

def create


         @cart.save ? 
               ( render json: {number_of_items:@cart.line_items.sum('quantity') } ) :
               ( render json: { error: t("line_items.error") } )


这会计算购物车中的商品数量,并返回 json-result。这在浏览器中运行良好,但不适用于黄瓜测试:

Scenario: Add a product to a cart via ajax control
  And I follow "Cucumbers"
  When I follow "Add To Cart"
  And I wait for the ajax request to finish
  Then I should see "1 item in your cart"


然后我应该看到“您的购物车中有 1 件商品”#features/step_definitions/web_steps.rb:24 预计会有内容“您的购物车中有 1 件商品”在 [...] 您的购物车中有0 件商品\n 查看您的购物车 [ ...]

步骤“我等待 ajax 请求完成”是:

When(/^I wait for the ajax request to finish$/) do
    start_time = Time.now
    page.evaluate_script( 'jQuery.isReady&&jQuery.active==0' ).
      class.should_not eql(String) 

    until page.evaluate_script('jQuery.isReady&&jQuery.active==0') or 
          (start_time + 5.seconds) < Time.now do
            sleep 1



1 回答 1


I'm sure you already figured this out since it was 18 months ago, thoughts for peeps having a similar problem::

  • Errored out for some reason (in which case you could use 'save_and_open_page' to check the content or look at page.driver.console_messages to see if there was a JS error)
  • Took more than 5 seconds (in which case you could change your 5.seconds to something much larger to see if it works)
  • jQuery alias not working? (I see you're using $ - does jQuery.isReady&&jQuery.active==0 return in your console?)

Do you remember what it was?

于 2013-12-03T21:01:43.230 回答