I need to do some encryption in PL/SQL + Oracle using the outdated DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT package, but it has to be decryptable (if that's even a word) in both Java and Javascript. The Java and JS decryptions use for PKCS#7 / PCKS#5 padding. It's simple (I think) to implement Zero padding, and I could change the Java and JS, but I don't know if I'll ever have problems with the zero padding being irreversible.
Therefore, I'd like to roll my own PKCS#7, but I'm having some trouble producing the right output. This code compares what I have side by size with the output from DBMS_CRYPTO, which has PKCS#5 implemented, but is not available to all employees, due to permissions issues:
lv_encrypted_data VARCHAR2 (2000);
lv_decrypted_data VARCHAR2 (2000);
piv_str VARCHAR2 (2000) := 'apples';
piv_pass_key VARCHAR2 (2000) := 'testForNathan123testForN';
a_var VARCHAR2 (100);
num_padding_bytes Int;
padding_bytes raw(100);
test_byte raw(1);
zero_byte raw(1);
piv_raw raw(2000);
piv_raw_orig raw(2000);
error_in_input_buffer_length EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT (error_in_input_buffer_length, -28232);
input_buffer_length_err_msg VARCHAR2 (100) :=
dbms_output.Put_line ('Input_string->:'
|| piv_str );
-- Since 3DES needs data to be in multiples of 8 bytes we had pad the data, if the
-- data did not meet the 8 bytes boundary requirement.
num_padding_bytes := MOD(Length(piv_str),8);
piv_raw_orig := utl_raw.cast_to_raw(piv_str);
IF (num_padding_bytes) != 0 THEN
padding_bytes := '';
zero_byte := '0';
test_byte := utl_raw.cast_to_raw(8-num_padding_bytes);
test_byte := utl_raw.bit_and(test_byte, '0F');
for lcntr in 1..8-num_padding_bytes
padding_bytes := UTL_RAW.CONCAT(padding_bytes, test_byte);
end loop;
piv_raw := utl_raw.concat(utl_raw.cast_to_raw(piv_str), padding_bytes);
dbms_output.put_line('Without padding: ' || piv_raw_orig);
dbms_output.put_line('After padding: '|| piv_raw);
lv_encrypted_data := dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.Des3encrypt (
input => piv_raw, key => utl_raw.cast_to_raw(piv_pass_key),
which => 1);
dbms_output.Put_line ('Encrypted Data OBFS: '
|| lv_encrypted_data);
lv_encrypted_data := dbms_crypto.encrypt (src => piv_raw_orig,
KEY => utl_raw.cast_to_raw(piv_pass_key), typ => dbms_crypto.des3_cbc_pkcs5);
dbms_output.Put_line ('Encrypted Data CRYPTO: '
|| (lv_encrypted_data));
lv_decrypted_data := dbms_crypto.Decrypt (src => lv_encrypted_data,
KEY => utl_raw.cast_to_raw(piv_pass_key), typ => dbms_crypto.des3_cbc_pkcs5);
dbms_output.Put_line('Decrypted: ' || utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(lv_decrypted_data));
And the output:
Without padding: 6170706C6573
After padding: 6170706C65730202
Encrypted Data OBFS: 36DEFCBBC60BC58A
Encrypted Data CRYPTO: CF7676DF282DCC5C
Decrypted: apples
As you can see, it appears the padding is being applied correctly (0202 present at the end of the After padding RAW), but DBMS_CRYPTO is producing a different result than the DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT. Any ideas why?
Thanks in advance!