

public function getFamilies($cat){
            $objCurrentCategory = Category::Load($cat); // creates a QCodo object of the passed category ID.

        $str_Query = "SELECT DISTINCT p.family
                      FROM xlsws_product p, xlsws_product_category_assn pc
                      WHERE p.rowid=pc.product_id
                      AND pc.category_id=".$cat; // sql query to retrieve all Families relating to this category.

        $objFamilyDb = Family::GetDatabase(); // retrieves the QCodo database object for Family to execute queries against.
        $objFamilies = Family::InstantiateDbResult($objFamilyDb->Query($str_Query)); // executes the query and saves the result.

        foreach($objFamilies as $family){ // for each family returned, get the family name and add it to the array of names.
            if ($family->Family !== ""){
                $families [] = $family->Family;

        if ($objCurrentCategory->ChildCount > 0){ // if current category has children, create a list of all children rowids.
            $str_Query = "SELECT rowid FROM xlsws_category
                          WHERE parent=".$objCurrentCategory->Rowid; // query to get all children of the category.
            $objChildCategoriesDb = Category::GetDatabase(); // retrieves the QCodo database object for Category to execute queries against.
            $objChildCategories = Category::InstantiateDbResult($objChildCategoriesDb->Query($str_Query)); // executes the query and saves the result.

            foreach($objChildCategories as $child){ // passes through the children to get their families.
                //$families [] = KG::getFamilies($child->Rowid);
                $childFam = KG::getFamilies($child->Rowid);

        $compiled = KG::compileFamilies($childFam); // helper function, not important.

        foreach($compiled as $compile){
            $families[] = $compile;

        foreach($families as $familyt){ // this echo statement correctly displays all names.
            //echo ":".$familyt."<br />";

        return $families;


编辑看起来 $families 变量并没有通过对 getFamilies 的每次递归调用持续存在,并且只在最后返回孩子,而不是孩子和他们所有的父母。


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于 2012-07-13T14:52:23.207 回答