Scenario Outline: Search items from QuickSearch
Given that the following items
| id | title |
| 1 | Item1 |
| 2 | Item2 |
When I search for <criteria> in this search
Then I should get <result>
And I should not get <excluded>
|criteria|result | excluded |
| 1 | 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 2 | 1 |
Scenario Outline: Using a filter
Given that I have the following things:
|id |name |
|1 | thing1 |
|2 | thing2 |
When I use the <filter> filled with <criteria>
Then I should obtain these <results>
And I should not obtain these <exclusions>
|filter |criteria |results |exclusions |
|name |thing |1,2 | |
|id |1 |1 |2 |
正如您在第二个场景中所说的那样,我已经更改了 get to get 一词,以便为这两个场景编写单独的步骤。我需要两个不同步骤的唯一原因是因为 2 个不同场景中的 id 映射到不同的名称(不,我不能对两者都使用相同的名称,并且不想在第二个中从 id 3 开始)
因此,我正在考虑这两种情况的通用步骤(至少在涉及到 then 步骤时),并且我想要一个哈希映射 id 和 name 一起进行验证,但我希望哈希根据不同而有所不同哪个场景称为步骤。
那么,在 Cucumber + capybara 中有没有一种方法可以告诉我哪个场景称为步骤?