我正在尝试使用 ADO 从 Excel 文件中访问和读取一些内容。我了解如何打开它并执行 SELECT * 并将其放入 Recordset 对象中。我不明白的是,如果我选择一组信息,如何访问该记录集中的特定字段。
Private Sub SaveReq_Click()
' Saves the current entry to the database
' Into the TABLE 'pr_req_table'
' Open a connection to the database
dim data_base as Database
set data_base = OpenDatabase(CurrentProject.Path & "\test_database.accdb")
Sub InsertRecord()
Dim data_base As Database
Set data_base = OpenDatabase(CurrentProject.Path & "\test_database.accdb")
' Grab all information from form
' Add information to pr_req_table
Dim qd As QueryDef
Set qd = data_base.CreateQueryDef("")
qd.sql = "INSERT INTO pr_req_table(pr_no, pr_date, pr_owner, pr_link, pr_signed) " & _
qd.Parameters("p1").Value = pr_num.Value
qd.Parameters("p2").Value = Format(pr_date.Value, "mm/dd/yyyy")
qd.Parameters("p3").Value = List22.Value
qd.Parameters("p4").Value = "Excel Copy #" & elec_copy.Value
qd.Parameters("p5").Value = "Signed Copy #" & sign_copy.Value
' The following section reads from the elec_copy field's hyperlink
' It scans the Excel file for items it needs to include into the table
' It enters those cells into the TABLE 'items_needed_table'
' Slects row by row, and if the item has been marked TRUE, inserts
' That row into the TABLE 'items_needed_table'
' Open a connection to Excel
On Error Resume Next
Const adOpenStatic = 3
Const adLockOptimistic = 3
Const adCmdText = &H0001
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConnection.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & elec_copy.Value & ";" & _
"Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;"";"
' Decalre a RecordSet Object
Set objRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
' Grab all Rows in the Plain_VDR Sheet where 'needed' column == TRUE
objRecordset.Open "Select line_no, desc, weeks FROM [Plain_VDR$] Where needed = TRUE", _
objConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
' Declare a loop counter for row?
Dim x as Integer
x = 0
' Write the information pulled, into the TABLE 'items_needed_table' in Access Database
Do Until objRecordset.EOF
qd.sql = "INSERT INTO items_needed_table(pr_no, line_no, desc, weeks) " & _
' p1 was declared earlier in code, same value as before
qd.Parameters("p2").Value = objRecorset.(ROW_X, "line_no")
qd.Parameters("p3").Value = objRecordset.(ROW_X, "desc")
qd.Parameters("p4").Value = objRecordset.(ROW_X, "weeks")
x = x + 1
' Close Database connection
End Sub
我主要关心的是“直到”循环部分。怀疑我可以插入整个选择,因为“pr_no”没有在 Excel 文件中定义,而是在 Access 数据库中定义,所以我想我需要为 Excel 文件中的每一行循环该命令。我需要使用什么来为 Recordset 对象中的每行和字段的参数分配值?