I am trying to multiply two 32-bit numbers a and b which should give a 64-bit result. With a and b being unsigned 32-bit integers, i came up with this:

r = a * b

r = ((ah << 16) + al) * ((bh << 16) + bl)
  = ((ah * 2^16) + al) * ((bh * 2^16) + bl)
  = (ah * 2^16) * (bh * 2^16) + (ah * 2^16) * bl + al * (bh * 2^16) + al * bl
  = (ah * bh * 2^32) + (ah * bl * 2^16) + (al * bh * 2^16) + (al * bl)
  = ((ah * bh) << 32) + ((ah * bl) << 16) + ((al * bh) << 16) + (al * bl)
  = ((ah * bh) << 32) + ((ah * bl + al * bh) << 16) + (al * bl)

which i then translated to c as follows

static void _mul64(unsigned int a, unsigned int b, unsigned int *hi, unsigned int *lo) {
    unsigned int    ah = (a >> 16), al = a & 0xffff,
                    bh = (b >> 16), bl = b & 0xffff,
                    rh = (ah * bh), rl = (al * bl),

                    rm1  = ah * bl,         rm2  = al * bh,
                    rm1h = rm1 >> 16,       rm2h = rm2 >> 16,
                    rm1l = rm1 & 0xffff,    rm2l = rm2 & 0xffff,
                    rmh  = rm1h + rm2h,     rml  = rm1l + rm2l;

    rl = rl + (rml << 16);
    rh = rh + rmh;
    if(rml & 0xffff0000)
        rh = rh + 1;
    *lo = rl;
    *hi = rh;

However when I run this little test which multiplies a = 0xFFFFFFFF with b = 0xFFFFFFFF and should yield 0xFFFFFFFE00000001, I get 0xFFFFFFFD00000001 instead. am I doing wrong?

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    unsigned int a, b, rl, rh;
    unsigned long long r;
    unsigned long long r1, r2, r3;

    a = 0xffffffff;
    b = 0xffffffff;
    mul64(a, b, &rh, &rl);
    r1 = ((unsigned long long) rh << 32) + rl;
    r2 = (unsigned long long) a * b;

    _mul64(a, b, &rh, &rl);
    r3 = ((unsigned long long) rh << 32) + rl;
    printf("a = 0x%08x, b = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned) a, (unsigned) b);
    printf("_mul64: 0x%16llx\n", (unsigned long long) r3);
    printf("a * b = 0x%16llx\n", (unsigned long long) r2);
    return 0;

2 回答 2


You're adding 16-bit quantities here

rm1l = rm1 & 0xffff,    rm2l = rm2 & 0xffff,
rmh  = rm1h + rm2h,     rml  = rm1l + rm2l;

and add rml shifted left by 16 bits to rl,

rl = rl + (rml << 16);

which, when the sum of the two 16-bit quantities becomes a 17-bit quantity discards the carry.

Also, the latter sum may exceed 32 bit range, in which case you lose another carry bit.

于 2012-07-11T19:19:37.943 回答

With all of the arithmetic done in the initializers, debugging is going to be difficult. Move all of those calculations out of the initializers, then compile your code with optimization disabled. Step through it in your debugger and make sure that each step is generating the values that you are expecting it to generate. When you walk through the code while following the algorithm that you solved by hand, it should be easy to spot any place where your code and algorithm deviate.

于 2012-07-11T17:52:36.707 回答