我在 Android 上上传文件时遇到了一些问题。我已经将应用程序的这一部分拼凑在一起,现在需要进行一些修改。
我正在尝试从 Uri 引用的磁盘映像将文件上传到服务器。
在上传之前,我正在尝试根据纵横比将图像缩小到 1280 的最大尺寸。
* This is a fake class, this is actually spread across 2 or 3 files
public class Temp
* This is used to return an Input stream of known size
public static class KnownSizeInputStream extends InputStreamBody
private int mLength;
public KnownSizeInputStream( final InputStream in, final int length, final String mimeType, final String filename )
super( in, mimeType, filename );
mLength = length;
public long getContentLength()
return mLength;
private static final int MAX_WIDTH = 1280;
private static final int MAX_HEIGHT = 1280;
* Open up a file on disk and convert it into a stream of known size
public KnownSizeInputStream toStreamAio( Context c, Uri path )
* Scale down bitmap
Bitmap bitmapData = null;
bitmapData = BitmapFactory.decodeStream( c.getContentResolver().openInputStream( path ) );
catch( Exception e )
int imgWidth = bitmapData.getWidth();
int imgHeight = bitmapData.getHeight();
// Constrain to given size but keep aspect ratio
float scaleFactor = Math.min( ( ( float )MAX_WIDTH ) / imgWidth, ( ( float )MAX_HEIGHT ) / imgHeight );
Matrix scale = new Matrix();
scale.postScale( scaleFactor, scaleFactor );
final Bitmap scaledImage = Bitmap.createBitmap( bitmapData, 0, 0, imgWidth, imgHeight, scale, false );
bitmapData = scaledImage.copy( scaledImage.getConfig(), true );
catch( Exception e )
* To byte[]
byte[] byteData = null;
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
bitmapData.compress( Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos );
byteData = baos.toByteArray();
* To stream
return new KnownSizeInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream( byteData ), byteData.length, "image/jpg", "Some image" );
* Some pieces are removed, the main part is the addPart line
public void doUpload()
// create a new HttpPost, to our specified URI
HttpPost post = new HttpPost( postUri );
// org.apache.http.entity.mime
MultipartEntity entity = new MultipartEntity( HttpMultipartMode.STRICT );
// This line starts all of the issues
entity.addPart( "file", toStreamAio( mContext, Uri.parse( "/some/file.jpg" ) ) );
post.setEntity( entity );
// send it
HttpResponse response = client.execute( post );
Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
at android.graphics.Bitmap.nativeCopy(Native Method)
at android.graphics.Bitmap.copy(Bitmap.java:403)
at com.app.helper.UploadableImage.toScaledBitmap(UploadableImage.java:170)
at com.app.helper.UploadableImage.toByteArray(UploadableImage.java:53)
at com.app.helper.UploadableImage.toStream(UploadableImage.java:242)
at com.app.rest.task.UploadContentTask.doInBackground(UploadContentTask.java:80)
at com.app.rest.task.UploadContentTask.doInBackground(UploadContentTask.java:1)
at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:264)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:305)
... 5 more
data = scaledImage.copy( scaledImage.getConfig(), true );
.addPart("file", streamData);
最有效的是,假设图像可以很大(~6000px 是我迄今为止达到的最大尺寸)