
数字将是从 000000 到 999999 的 6 位固定长度。我猜每个数字都将存储为数组的一部分。然后我想根据一个模式测试这个数字。

例如,假设我使用的 3 种模式是

A A A A A A - would match such examples as 111111 , 222222, 333333 etc where 
A B A B A B - would match such examples as 121212 , 454545, 919191 etc
A (A+1) (A+2) B (B+1) (B+2) - would match such examples as 123345, 789123, 456234

我想我坚持的部分是如何将整数数组的每个部分分配给一个值,例如 A 或 B

我最初的想法是将每个部分分配为一个单独的字母。所以如果数组由 1 3 5 4 6 8 组成,那么我会创建一个像




并用 if (AAAAAA = ABCDEF) 之类的东西进行测试,然后我们匹配了 AAAAAAA

如果没有,那么通过我所有的模式尝试 (ABABAB = ABCDEF) 等

在这种情况下,没有理由说明分配给 C 的值不能与分配给 F 的值相同,例如数字 234874。


总之,我正在寻找有关如何让程序接受 6 位数字并将其匹配的模式返回给我们的想法。



package com.doyleisgod.number.pattern.finder;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

public class FindPattern {
private final int[] numberArray; //Array that we will match patterns against.
private final Document patternTree = buildPatternTree(); //patternTree containing all the patterns
private final Map<String, Integer> patternisedNumberMap; //Map used to allocate ints in the array to a letter for pattern analysis
private int depth = 0; //current depth of the pattern tree

// take the int array passed to the constructor and store it in out numberArray variable then build the patternised map
public FindPattern (int[] numberArray){
    this.numberArray = numberArray;
    this.patternisedNumberMap = createPatternisedNumberMap();

//builds a map allocating numbers to letters. map is built from left to right of array and only if the number does not exist in the map does it get added
//with the next available letter. This enforces that the number assigned to A can never be the same as the number assigned to B etc
private Map<String, Integer> createPatternisedNumberMap() {
    Map<String, Integer> numberPatternMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

    ArrayList<String> patternisedListAllocations = new ArrayList<String>();
    Iterator<String> patternisedKeyIterator = patternisedListAllocations.iterator();

    for (int i = 0; i<numberArray.length; i++){
        if (!numberPatternMap.containsValue(numberArray[i])) {
            numberPatternMap.put(patternisedKeyIterator.next(), numberArray[i]);
    return numberPatternMap;

//Loads an xml file containing all the patterns.
private Document buildPatternTree(){
    Document document = null;
    try {
    File patternsXML = new File("c:\\Users\\echrdoy\\Desktop\\ALGO.xml");
    DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
    DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
    document = db.parse(patternsXML);

    } catch (Exception e){
        System.out.println("Error building tree pattern");
    return document;

//gets the rootnode of the xml pattern list then called the dfsnodesearch method to analyse the pattern against the int array. If a pattern is found a
//patternfound exception is thorwn. if the dfsNodeSearch method returns without the exception thrown then the int array didn't match any pattern
public void patternFinder() {
    Node rootnode= patternTree.getFirstChild();
    try {
        System.out.println("Pattern not found");
    } catch (PatternFoundException p) {

//takes a node of the xml. the node is checked to see if it matches a pattern (this would only be true if we reached the lowest depth so must have 
//matched a pattern. if no pattern then analyse the node for an expression. if expression is found then test for a match. the int from the array to be tested
//will be based on the current depth of the pattern tree. as each depth represent an int such as depth 0 (i.e root) represent position 0 in the int array
//depth 1 represents position 1 in the int array etc. 
private void dfsNodeSearch (Node node) throws PatternFoundException {
    if (node instanceof Element){
        Element nodeElement = (Element) node;
        String nodeName = nodeElement.getNodeName();

        //As this method calls its self for each child node in the pattern tree we need a mechanism to break out when we finally reach the bottom
        // of the tree and identify a pattern. For this reason we throw pattern found exception allowing the process to stop and no further patterns.
        // to be checked.
        if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase("pattern")){
            throw new PatternFoundException(nodeElement.getTextContent());
        } else {
            String logic = nodeElement.getAttribute("LOGIC");
            String difference = nodeElement.getAttribute("DIFFERENCE");

            if (!logic.equalsIgnoreCase("")&&!difference.equalsIgnoreCase("")){
                if (matchPattern(nodeName, logic, difference)){
                    if (node.hasChildNodes()){
                        NodeList childnodes = node.getChildNodes();
                        for (int i = 0; i<childnodes.getLength(); i++){


//for each node at a current depth a test will be performed against the pattern, logic and difference to identify if we have a match. 
private boolean matchPattern(String pattern, String logic, String difference) {
    boolean matched = false;
    int patternValue = patternisedNumberMap.get(pattern);

    if (logic.equalsIgnoreCase("+")){
        patternValue += Integer.parseInt(difference);
    } else if (logic.equalsIgnoreCase("-")){
        patternValue -= Integer.parseInt(difference);

    if(patternValue == numberArray[depth]){

    return matched;


xml 模式列表如下所示

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <A LOGIC="=" DIFFERENCE="0">
        <A LOGIC="=" DIFFERENCE="0">
            <A LOGIC="=" DIFFERENCE="0">
            <B LOGIC="=" DIFFERENCE="0">
        <B LOGIC="=" DIFFERENCE="0">
            <A LOGIC="=" DIFFERENCE="0">
            <B LOGIC="=" DIFFERENCE="0">
    <A LOGIC="+" DIFFERENCE="2">
        <A LOGIC="+" DIFFERENCE="4">
            <A LOGIC="+" DIFFERENCE="6">
    <B LOGIC="=" DIFFERENCE="0">
        <A LOGIC="+" DIFFERENCE="1">
            <B LOGIC="+" DIFFERENCE="1">
        <A LOGIC="=" DIFFERENCE="0">
            <A LOGIC="=" DIFFERENCE="0">
            <B LOGIC="+" DIFFERENCE="1">
            <B LOGIC="=" DIFFERENCE="0">
        <B LOGIC="=" DIFFERENCE="0">
            <A LOGIC="=" DIFFERENCE="0">
            <B LOGIC="=" DIFFERENCE="0">
        <A LOGIC="-" DIFFERENCE="1">
            <B LOGIC="-" DIFFERENCE="1">
    <A LOGIC="+" DIFFERENCE="1">
        <A LOGIC="+" DIFFERENCE="2">
            <A LOGIC="+" DIFFERENCE="3">
    <A LOGIC="-" DIFFERENCE="1">
        <A LOGIC="-" DIFFERENCE="2">
            <A LOGIC="-" DIFFERENCE="3">


package com.doyleisgod.number.pattern.finder;

public class PatternFoundException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final String pattern;

public PatternFoundException(String pattern) {
    this.pattern = pattern;

public String getPattern() {
    return pattern;




5 回答 5



A. 使用模式初始化:

  1. 规范化所有模式
  2. 构建一个深度 = 6 的树,表示从根开始的所有模式以及每个深度上的所有可能选择。

B. 运行状态机


AAAAAA => A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 A0

CACACA => A0 B0 A0 B0 A0 B0 (总是以 A 开头,然后是 B、C、D 等)

B B+1 B+2 A A+1 A+2 => A0 A1 A2 B0 B1 B2

因此,您总是有从 A0 开始的标准化模式。


1.       A0
       /  | \
2.   A0  B0  A1
      |   |   |
3.   A0  A0  A2
      |   |   |
4.   A0  B0  B0
      |   |   |
5.   A0  A0  B1
      |   |   |
6.   A0  B0  B2
      |   |   |
     p1  p2  p3

B. 运行状态机



于 2012-07-10T22:24:18.800 回答


如果模式变得比你提到的更复杂,你可以使用上下文无关语法和正则表达式来指定你的规则。还有像 lex 和 yacc 这样的工具,它们将根据指定的规则处理输入字符串,如果匹配或不匹配则返回。

于 2012-07-11T09:56:46.347 回答


ababab=a[0]==a[2] && a[2]==a[4] && a[1]==a[3] && a[3]==a[5] && a[0]!=a[1]
aaabbb=a[0]==a[1] && a[1]==a[2] && a[3]==a[4] && a[4]==a[5] && a[0]!=a[3]
fedcba=(a[0]-a[1])==1 && (a[1]-a[2])==1 && (a[2]-a[3])==1 && (a[3]-a[4])==1 && (a[4]-a[5]==1)
于 2012-07-10T22:12:12.273 回答


给定模式是 PatternElement 数组,其中 PatternElement 由一个字母和一个整数组成。


现在使用 Number 和 Digit 的每个组合(嵌套的 for 循环)调用 match() 函数。

match 函数从左到右迭代模式和数字,并替换数字以匹配模式中的字母。如果一个数字被替换,也将所有相同的数字替换到他的右边。如果你到达一个不是数字的索引,因为它已经被替换了,那么检查这个元素是否与模式匹配。

Example 1 iterations. Pattern: A B A C    Number 3 2 3 5
                               ^                 ^ 
                   1.                            A 2 A 5    replace 3 by A. 
                                 ^                 ^
                   2.                            A B A 5    replace 2 by B
                                   ^                 ^    
                   3.                            A B A 5    Existing A matches pattern. Good
                                     ^                 ^
                   4.                            A B A C    replace 5 by C. SUCCESS

对于 (n+2) ,您可以通过在替换或匹配期间做一些额外的数学来做同样的事情。

注意:号码不必仅由数字组成。如果你想替换任何字符,你甚至可以匹配相似的模式!所以 ABCABC 也将匹配通用形式的 DFGDFG。

于 2012-07-10T22:37:13.073 回答


例如,让我们分别表示 6 个数字 d1、d2、d3、d4、d5 和 d6 中的每一个。然后,A (A+1) (A+2) B (B+1) (B+2)可以将模式重写为以下规则/约束集:

dx = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
d2 = d1 + 1
d2 = d1 + 2
d4 = d3 + 1
d5 = d3 + 2

在您的示例中,我只能看到两种推断规则-一种用于数字相等(d1 = d2,如果它们在模式中的位置具有相同的字符),另一种用于算术运算(我不知道 A 和 B 是否应该是不同的数字,如果是这样,您将需要额外的不等式规则)。所有种类都可以简单地转化为约束。


[A = ?]
|-- 1
|-- 2
|-- 3
|   |-- [B = ?]
|       |-- 1
...     ...


自己可能很难正确实现回溯算法,因此为您的平台找到 Prolog 实现(参见 Java 的这个问题)然后将约束转换为 Prolog 规则是有意义的。

于 2012-07-10T23:28:26.910 回答