

假设我有线段f (fx0, fy0)(fx1, fy1)g (gx0, gy0)(gx1, gy1)



  • fg共享完全相同的端点,例如:f = (0,0), (10,10) g = (0,0), (10,10)
  • fg共享大致相同的端点和大致相同的长度,例如:f = (0,0.01), (9.95,10) g = (0,0), (10,10)
  • f是 的子集g,这意味着它的端点落在该段内g并与该段共享相同的斜率g。想象一条粗略的线,笔在其中来回移动以使其变粗。例如:f = (4.00, 4.02), (9.01, 9.02) g = (0,0), (10,10)


  • f并且g有超过一定的斜率差tolerance
  • f并且g可能具有相同的斜率但相隔一段距离tolerance,即平行线
  • f并且g在同一平面和同一坡度上,但根本不重叠……即虚线内的一组线段。

判断它们是否相同的最简单方法是如果gx1 - fx1 <= tolerance(对其他三个点重复),但在某些情况下,线f可能比线短g(同样,由于像素差异和/或照片扫描不佳)。

那么将这两个线段转换成极坐标并比较角度会更好吗?在这种情况下,两个 rho 将在容差范围内。但是你必须确保两条线段具有相同的“方向”,这在笛卡尔坐标或极坐标中计算是微不足道的。



3 回答 3


Your problem is two-fold: you want to compare both the difference in length and difference in angles. To compute the difference in length, you'd take the length of the first line and divide it by the length of the second line.

To take the difference in angle, you can use atan or, my favourite:

angle = acos(abs((u dot v)/(u.length * v.length)))

Hopefully this helps. Sorry for the mistaken answer earlier.

Old answer:

Here's an idea for you: why not compare the difference in the start and end points of the two line segments to the total length of one of the lines? Then your difference function would look something like:

def difference(Line l1, Line l2):
    # Distance between first point on first line and first point on second line
    first_point_diff = (Line(l1.x1, l2.x1, l1.y1, l2.y1).length())

    # Distance between first point on first line and first point on second line
    second_point_diff = (Line(l1.x2, l2.x2, l1.y2, l2.y2).length())

    return (first_point_diff + second_point_diff)/l1.length()

This function will return the "difference" between two lines as a fraction of the total length of the first line.

于 2012-07-10T17:45:32.483 回答

Can you use the coordinates to define equations for the lines? If so, then you could use the two equations in a system of equations, solve the system, and find out if and where the lines intersect. If the lines do not intersect at all but the distance between them is very small, or with in the tolerance you could consider them a single line.

于 2012-07-10T18:01:22.530 回答

If all you want is to see if they are in the same direction, couldn't you just consider the dot product divided by the magnitudes? Closer it is to 1, the closer the alignment between the two lines.

于 2012-07-10T19:09:48.960 回答