我正在使用 Twitter Boostrap 和它附带的网格系统。对于我的#stories div,我想将它移动到页面的右侧,使其垂直平行于“欢迎”div。
我遵循了 Boostrap 参考(脚手架部分)中的嵌套规则,并根据他们的指南布置了我的代码,但无法让故事 div 的内容显示为右侧的列。
<div class="row">
<!-- welcome container -->
<div class="span8" id="welcome">
<div id="StoryActions">
<a href="#" class="btn btn-success .btn-large" id="BtnCreateStory">
<div id="NewStoryBtn">
<span id="create">CREATE</span><p id="newstory">New Story</p>
<a href="#" class="btn" id="BtnJoin">
<div id="JoinStoryBtn">
<span id="create">JOIN</span><p id="newstory">Existing Story</p>
<p id="registration">no registration required</p>
<div id="StoryDescription">
<p> </p>
<p>Storify is a <strong>fun</strong>, group <strong>writing game</strong>
taking inspiration from the story writing game that you may have played at a party or at school with friends.</p>
<p>Each person writes a random sentence to form part of a story.</p>
<p>Once the story is complete, one person reads out the whole story, and usually everyone breaks into laughter.</p>
<p>Storify is great for playing with your Internet friends or Co-workers.</p>
<div class="row">
<div class="span6">
<!-- Running Stories -->
<div class="span3"> </div>
<div class="span3">
<div id="stories">
I want to write a really long story here and see how far it goes down the path